Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu Catholic
- He was baptized a Catholic.
- He belongs to the Catholic faith.
- The Catholic Church is opposed to divorce.
- Even people who don't believe in the Catholic church venerate the Pope as a symbolic leader.
- Mother Teresa was a Catholic nun who lived and worked in Calcutta, India.
- Mass is a Catholic ceremony of remembering Jesus Christ by eating and drinking.
Exemple din articole cu Catholic
- Bishop Philip Sulumeti, the deputy chairman of the Kenyan Catholic bishops' conference, confirmed that the government could not "provide any satisfactory solutions to address the concerns" of the Christian leaders.
- I was asked to talk about American Catholic demographics and what they suggest about the future of ministry.
- Archbishop Myers and the board of trustees is demanding that the Seton Hall officials take whatever steps are necessary in order to protect the catholic identity of the university.
- The numbers are small, but local Catholic leaders are embracing the new refugee students as a way to diversify their student bodies and build relationships toward the church's mission to help low-income and immigrant populations.
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