Fraze exemplificatoare cu Car
- My car is crying out for new tyres. (Mașina mea plânge după cauciucuri noi.)
- My car wants a repair. (Mașina mea are nevoie de reparații.)
- Shall we go by car or walk ? (Să mergem cu mașina sau pe jos?)
- Sir, you are not allowed to park your car here. (Domnule, nu aveți voie să parcați mașina aici.)
- The car crashed into the wall. (Mașina a intrat în zid.)
- The car missed him by inches. (N-au lipsit decât vreo câțiva centimetri și-l lovea mașina.)
- The car takes five people. (În automobil încap cinci persoane.)
- The child withdrew against the wall as the car passed by. (Copilul se lipi de zid când trecu mașina.)
- This car is my own. (Mașina aceasta e proprietatea mea.)
- This car is the last word in comfort. (Această mașină este ultimul cuvânt în materie de confort.)
- This car is the very devil to get started. (A naibii mașină, nu vrea deloc să pornească.)
- This car will hold five people comfortably. (În mașina asta intră confortabil cinci persoane.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Every little kid has always wanted to be a race car driver. This gets some of that out. (Orice puști și-a dorit dintotdeauna să fie pilot de curse. Și asta iese cumva la iveală.) - David Alan Grier
Alte exemple de fraze cu Car
- The patrol car pursued a speeding sports car but it all ended in a wild-goose chase.
- The head of the college, whose name was Miss Baker, therefore had a special place in the car park for her own small car.
- Pull out your car a bit, I can't back out my car.
- Today Iâm going to take my beloved car to the car wash.
- This car was selected the "car of the year".
- I can't afford to buy a used car, much less a new car.
- It's not a good car, but it's a car.
- This car is as big as that car.
- We want a car.
- "Is he by the car?" "No, he is in the car."
- This car is like new.
- Look out for the car.
- It looks like this car is his.
- Did the car look old?
- Get into the car.
- He got out from under the car.
- I have a car.
- Each of them has his own car.
- My car is a used one.
- That car is quite new.
- Let's go by car.
- Have you seen my new car?
- You may use my car.
- This car must go.
- Was he in the car or by the car?
- They got out of the car.
- At last he got the car.
- Look at my new car.
- Which car is ours?
- That is his car.
- Whose car is that?
- He wants a new car.
- What do you want such an old car for?
- That car is hers.
- The new car is hers.
- Do you have a car?
- What did you do with that car?
- Probably they will come by car.
- You should get yourself a new car now.
- He has a new car and an old car.
- I like your car.
- He got the car for nothing.
- You shall have my car.
- Let's get out of the car now.
- How I wish I had a car.
- All of us got in the car.
- But I want a car.
- This is the same car as that I have.
- I wish I had a car.
- Is this your car?
- You can use my car, if you want to.
- Do you want a car?
- Whose car is this?
- You may use my new car.
- I wonder whose car this is.
- You are asking too much for this car.
- He has his own car.
- You can use this car.
- This will be his car.
- If you have a car you can come and go at will.
- Want to keep the car in it.
- What have you done with your car?
- We got into a car.
- My car is over there.
- This is my car.
- We can go there with the help of a car.
- He has a car.
- I'm going to take my car.
- She cannot do without her car.
- She got out of the car.
- He came by car.
- Is this your car?
- Do you know whose car this is?
- I bought a new car.
- You cannot park your car here.
- He came by car instead of by train.
- They will say your car is very lovely.
- What mileage do you get with this car?
- I have a new red car.
- They compared the new car with the old one.
- This car is superior to that.
- He treated himself to a new car.
- They disposed of the old car.
- This car is bigger than that one.
- He was nearly run over by a car.
- Can I park my car here?
- They drive to the car.
- He goes to the office by car.
- I got him to repair my car.
- She drove my car without so much as asking.
- I had him wash the car.
- I'm working on his car.
- This car handles well.
- There is a car coming.
- She got into the car and drove off.
- I cannot help admiring your new car.
- Could I park my car here?
- One of the car wheels came off.
- I was admiring his new car.
- They all envied my new car.
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