black seed
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- A very powerful blood and internal body cleanser, Black seed bitters helps to relieve auto-intoxification and diseases related to auto-intoxification, thereby building and boosting the immune system.
- Thistle seed is a tiny black seed that is imported from Ethiopia and India and is also known as Nyjer seed.
- Serum's - with botanical properties such as olive oil, black seed oil, amica montana, capsicum annuum, along with other ingredients help prevent hair breakage, dryness, due to excessive heat, weaved, braided, relaxed and natural hair.
- Alpha linoleic acid with l-carnitine is excellent and I get it at my health food store, and black seed oil and flax seed oil helps if taken over time.
- Another effective treatment for catarrh is the use of black seed oil.
- Black seed oil is an oil derived by pressing the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant.
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