be a button short
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- ... say how much i hope you like this blog. interestingly i have found that in previous blogs that i have had, the hamburger-a-gogo types (who i suspect may be a button short of a cardigan) called my blog "away laughing on a fast camel. ...
- bonsior!!! i am writing to you from my "imagination den" (or my bed as people like to call it) the hamburger-ago-go types (who i suspect may be a button short of a cardigan) called my recent blogs on imvu "away laughing on a fast .
- Sign In Idioms + Phrasal Verbs butt on be a button short button down button up button up (one's lip) have a button missing hit the panic button not care a (brass) button not worth a button on the button 32 more results Theme Words .
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