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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu bathed
- They bathed in the lake.
- He bathed and dressed.
- The hills are bathed in sunlight.
- Sweat bathed her brow.
- His eyes are bathed in tears.
- His eyes are bathed in with tears.
- Sweat bathed his forehead.
- The little cabin was bathed in moonlight.
- Mother bathed the baby.
- The room was bathed in sunshine.
- She bathed her ankle with hot water.
- I stepped outside and was bathed in the harsh direct sunlight.
Exemple din articole cu bathed
- Bathed in Beauty.
- pretty Asian Model bathed in the glow of the sunset.
- The mountain whose foot is bathed by water.
- Russell Brand Gets Bathed by Helen Mirren (Photo).
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