Citate exemplificatoare
- It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry. (Acum este legal ca o femeie catolică să evite sarcina recurgând la matematică, deși tot îi este interzis să recurgă la fizică sau chimie.) - H.L. Mencken
- Have the courage to be ignorant of a great number of things, in order to avoid the calamity of being ignorant of everything. (Să ai curajul să recunoști că nu știi multe lucruri, pentru a evita dezastrul de a nu ști nimic.) - Sydney Smith
- It is partly to avoid consciousness of greed that we prefer to associate with those who are at least as greedy as we ourselves. Those who consume much less are a reproach. (Preferăm compania celor care sunt cel puțin la fel de lacomi ca și noi, în parte pentru a evita să ne conștientizăm lăcomia. Cei care consumă mult mai puțin reprezintă un reproș.) - Charles Horton Cooley
- Those who want the Government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination. (Cei care vor ca Guvernul să reglementeze chestiunile legate de minte și spirit sunt precum oamenii care se tem atât de mult să nu fie omorâți încât se sinucid pentru a evita asasinarea.) - Harry Truman
- We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision. (Putem încerca să evităm să luăm decizii nefăcând nimic, dar până și asta este o decizie.) - Gary Collins
- Modern man must descend the spiral of his own absurdity to the lowest point only then can he look beyond it. It is obviously impossible to get around it, jump over it, or simply avoid it. (Omul modern trebuie să coboare pe spirala propriei absurdități cât se poate de jos, și doar atunci va putea privi dincolo de aceasta. Este evident că e imposibil să o ocolească, să sară peste ea sau pur și simplu să o evite.) - Vaclav Havel
- This is the art of courage to see things as they are and still believe that the victory lies not with those who avoid the bad, but those who taste, in living awareness, every drop of the good. (Arta curajului constă în a vedea lucrurile așa cum sunt și a crede totuși că reușita nu e a celor care evită răul, ci a celor care gustă, perfect conștienți, fiecare picătură de bine.) - Victoria Lincoln
- I would advise you to keep your overhead down avoid a major drug habit play every day and take it in front of other people. They need to hear it, and you need them to hear it. (Te-aș sfătui să-ți stăpânești entuziasmul, să te ferești de consumul de droguri, să te joci în fiecare zi și să fii cu un pas înaintea celorlalți oameni. Ei ai nevoie să audă aceste lucruri, tu ai nevoie ca ei să le asculte.) - James Taylor
- I like America. I think it's pretty cool. I got into acting to avoid politics of any sort so I could remain in a fantasy world. (Îmi place America. Cred că-i destul de grozavă. M-am apucat de actorie ca să evit orice fel de politică și astfel să rămân într-o lume a fanteziei.) - Mary Lynn Rajskub
- I had to make some drastic choices to avoid losing myself. (A trebuit să fac alegeri drastice ca să evit să mă pierd.) - Elizabeth Berkley
Exemple de fraze cu avoid
- It's necessary to avoid stress.
- He is so aggressive that others avoid him.
- I'd rather not take any medicine if I can avoid it.
- Avoid each other's society.
- He was so near that I couldn't avoid him.
- I will try to avoid tunnels as much as possible.
- We have to avoid a conflict as far as possible.
- If you say that you cannot help doing something, you mean you cannot prevent or avoid it.
- I tried to avoid conflict.
- I tried to avoid looking at her eyes.
- I avoid traveling by air, if I can help it.
- Try to avoid making any more trouble.
- Another thing to avoid is to use too much praise.
- You might avoid an unpleasant experience.
- I try to avoid eating too much for my health.
- If one wants to grow, one must not avoid hardships.
- There a lot of problems we can't avoid.
- We should try to avoid imposing our own beliefs on others.
- Avoid those men who are idle.
- You must avoid making such mistakes.
- Avoid fried foods for a while.
- Avoid to smoking to excess.
- We must avoid war by all possible means.
- Try to avoid bad company.
- We must avoid calling on others without an appointment.
- Don't avoid my question.
- You should avoid making such a mistake.
- We have to avoid the nuclear war by all means.
- Thanks to the opportunity, we were able to avoid substantial effort.
- Driving carefully, you'll be able to avoid accidents.
- We got up at dawn so as to avoid a traffic jam.
- We cannot avoid cutting down our living expenses.
- You'd better avoid discussion of religion and politics.
- Avoid crossing this street when it is raining.
- I avoid crossing the street here if I am in a hurry.
- In is important to avoid having anyone absent from his assignment.
- The question is how to avoid nuclear war.
- Avoid drinking too much water with your meals.
- You must try to avoid hurting people's feelings.
- Avoid heavy labor It will be better in two weeks.
- Defensive driving can help you avoid accidents.
- The police wanted to avoid bloodshed.
- But, most smokers try to avoid thinking about these things.
- He was too foolish to avoid making such errors.
- I stood under a tree to avoid getting wet.
- The suspect wanted to avoid being arrested.
- How did the thief manage to avoid being caught?
- In order to avoid misunderstandings, they went through the contract again.
- After all, even salesmen are desperate to avoid being targeted for downsizing.
- He cannot avoid traveling to work during the rush hours.
- They explored every avenue in an attempt to avoid war.
- According to legend, the wood used to be haunted, so people would avoid it.
- Take lots of vitamin C to avoid catching cold.
- The government cannot avoid the issue of homelessness any longer.
- We took a back road to avoid the heavy traffic.
- To avoid confusion, the teams wore different colors.
- Mary pretended she was sick to avoid going to school.
- You should avoid calling a person after ten at night.
- To be always ready for war, said Mentor, is the surest way to avoid it.
- An expert is someone who knows some of the worst mistakes that can be done in his field, and how to avoid them.
- You must be more careful to avoid making a gross mistake.
- We stayed home for Christmas, so as to avoid heavy traffic.
- Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight.
- The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid what is evil.
- Today I'm working a little late so as to avoid a rush in the morning.
- It is essential to keep calm in time of crisis and avoid going haywire.
- I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
- I think it is all right for beginners to take great pains to avoid using Dr Martin's book.
- She started early in order to avoid the rush hour.
- If you want to avoid cholesterol, eat lean meat with no fat.
- He managed to avoid damaging my reputation by dropping a hint.
- The rocket landed sufficiently gently to avoid breaking its instruments.
- He made every effort to avoid yielding to the temptation to start drinking again.
- Westerners, in general, prefer to avoid such topics unless the other person brings them up.
- Hideo turned the steering wheel sharply to avoid the bicyclist.
- Industrialization of the region must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental destruction.
- Jeff and Mia are making a last ditch effort to avoid a divorce.
- I go to the office by car, and I try to leave home as early as I can so that I can avoid the traffic jams.
- To avoid spoiling, fish caught far out at sea are immediately cooled or even frozen.
- Avoid opening the window; I have no great desire to feel air currents on my back.
- However, I recommend you to take the JR Narita Express (a train leaves every 30-60 minutes from the airport), to avoid the complexity of changing trains.
- If a high hill stood between A and B, it was important to decide whether the line should climb over it, pierce it with a tunnel, or make a detour to avoid it.
- On gift-giving occasions, people generally avoid giving money, but there are exceptions.
- I like to feel sad. I know that most people try to avoid any kind of sad feeling. But I think that is wrong.
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