Fraze exemplificatoare cu age
- Considering his age he has worn well. (Se ține bine pentru anii lui.)
- She bears her age well. (Se ține bine pentru anii ei.)
- She carries her age well. (Se ține bine pentru anii ei.)
- The pensionable age shall be 60 years. (Vârsta de pensionare este de 60 de ani.)
- What age are you? (Câți ani ai?)
- What age could you take her to be? (Ce vârstă îi dai ei?)
- What age would you take him to be? (Ce vârstă îi dai lui?)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Forty is the old age of youth fifty is the youth of old age. (Patruzeci este bătrânețea tinereții, cinzeci este tinerețea bătrâneții.) - Victor Hugo
- I would go out with women my age, but there are no women my age. (Aș ieși cu femei de vârsta mea, dar nu există femei de vârsta mea.) - George Burns
- The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds. (Mișcarea New Age? Este doar era veche blocată într-un cuptor cu microunde timp de 15 secunde.) - James Randi
- Old age is the most unexpected of things that can happen to a man. (Bătrânețea este cel mai neașteptat lucru care i se poate întâmpla unui om.) - Troțki
- Oh, this age! How tasteless and ill-bred it is! (Oh, epoca asta! Cât de lipsită de gust și nemanierată este!) - Catullus
- At age 50, every man has the face he deserves. (La 50 de ani, fiecare are fața pe care o merită.) - George Orwell
- Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to. (Epoca noastră este mândră de mașinile care gândesc dar bănuitoare față de oamenii care încearcă să facă la fel.) - Howard Mumford Jones
- Education is the best provision for old age. (Educația este cea mai bună asigurare pentru bătrânețe.) - Aristotel
- Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places. (Vârsta mijlocie este vârsta la care deschiderea minții și îngustimea taliei încep să-și ia locul una alteia.) - E. Joseph Crossman
- We may lay in a stock of pleasures, as we would lay in a stock of wine; but if we defer tasting them too long, we shall find that both are soured by age. (Plăcerile ne îmbie așa cum ne îmbie vinul; dar dacă ne abținem prea mult să le gustăm, vom descoperi că ambele devin acre cu trecerea timpului.) - Charles Caleb Colton
Alte exemple de fraze cu age
- We must allow for his age.
- They are all of an age.
- He looks old for his age.
- What is his age?
- They are about the same age.
- We're of an age.
- He is about my age.
- He is about your age.
- They are the same age.
- My age is going tell on me.
- He is just my age.
- She is yet under age.
- She is about my age.
- She should know better at her age.
- She and I are of an age.
- You and I are the same age.
- Can you tell my age?
- Now that you have come of age, you should know better.
- He's the same age as I.
- Might I ask your age?
- You should know better at your age.
- When did he come of age?
- You ought to know better at your age.
- You should know better at your age.
- I'm twice yours age.
- At your age I would think so, too.
- At your age you ought to know better.
- At your age you should know better.
- I am the same age.
- As he is already of age, he can vote.
- He looks young for his age.
- She is in her thirties but looks old for her age.
- She got married at the age of 25.
- She was weary with age.
- He hasn't come of age yet.
- When did your daughter come of age?
- You look young for your age.
- You have to allow for the boy's age.
- I haven't seen you for age.
- You must take his age into account.
- She was a girl of about our age.
- She married him at the age of 20.
- She has been on her own since the age of eighteen.
- He's quite active for his age.
- Can you guess her age?
- We must provide for our old age.
- I have a brother of an age with you.
- He lied about his age.
- Can you guess my age?
- He's getting soft in his old age.
- We should not ask a woman her age.
- He has become weaker with age.
- He acts his age.
- We have the right to vote when we come of age.
- The boys are all of an age.
- They sat according to age.
- I guessed at her age.
- It might be said that this is the computer age.
- It is not too much to say that this is the atomic age.
- He looks quite sophisticated for his age.
- It is not too much to say that this is the age of cars.
- We can only know her approximate age.
- When she comes of age, they are going to get married.
- He runs well for his age.
- What age was she when she got married?
- He seems to have apprehensions of age.
- He arrived at the age of 40.
- At your age you ought to support yourself.
- Act your age!
- Your son has come of age.
- The two children were of an age.
- She looks young for her age.
- Ours is a mechanical age.
- You had better take account of his age.
- He is worn with age.
- Tom did well considering his age.
- Now you've come of age you have the right to vote.
- He has a son of your age.
- Regardless of age, everybody can apply for it.
- We must provided for old age.
- Try to act your age.
- We must provide for old age.
- He came to Tokyo at the age of three.
- Mr White is about my age.
- Now that you have come of age, you should be responsible for what you do.
- I want to age gracefully.
- She provided for her old age.
- He doesn't look his age.
- He died at the age of 70.
- He looks young considering his age.
- I feel my age.
- Your age is beginning to tell.
- His age is beginning to tell on him.
- She is lying about her age.
- You should know better than to ask a lady her age.
- Act your age.
- He looks very vigorous, considering his age.
- Kim and I are the same age.
- You must take his age into account.
- He retired at the age of 65.
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