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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu Abandon
- Abandon law for art.
- We had to abandon our plan.
- Drink with abandon.
- Abandon ship!
- He will not abandon all hope.
- All hands, abandon ship!
- I was forced to abandon the plan.
- She refuses to abandon her career for marriage.
- He voiced his opinion with reckless abandon.
- There are days where I feel like my brain wants to abandon me.
- The crew had to abandon the sinking ship.
- The girl had to abandon the idea of becoming a singer.
- Now that pessimism prevails, the executive will abandon the project.
- I was drinking with total abandon and blacked/passed out. I have no idea what I was doing.
- Unlike birds, which feed and shelter their young, fish abandon their eggs.
- While welcoming the firming up of the present government policy to abandon the proposal of the reform bill to the Diet, at the same time some are worried that Prime Minister Koizumi won't clearly state the bill's withdrawal.
Exemple din articole cu Abandon
- This week Google carried out its threat to abandon its Chinese-language search engine in China, google.
- Microsoft says it won't abandon Windows Mobile 6.
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