Fraze exemplificatoare cu Water
- All water runs to his mill. (El o duce bine.)
- Much water has flown under the bridge since. (Multă apă a curs pe gârlă de când)
- Much water has flown under the bridges since. (Multă apă a curs pe gârlă de când)
- Much water has run under the bridge since. (Multă apă a curs pe gârlă de când)
- Much water has run under the bridges since. (Multă apă a curs pe gârlă de când)
- Much water runs by the mill that miller knows not of. (Nu știe stânga ce face dreapta.)
- Some of the water was spilt. (O parte din apă se vărsase.)
- The pot goes so long to the water that it is broken at last. (Urciorul nu merge de multe ori la apă.)
- The source of the water is of no regard. (Nu se ia în considerare sursa apei distribuite.)
- The water had worn the rocks. (Apa rosese stâncile.)
- We never know the value of water till the well is dry. (Când seacă apa se cunoaște prețul fântânii.)
- We'll get into hot water if he hears about this. (Ne găsim beleaua dacă aude el de asta.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Thousands have lived without love, not one without water. (Mii de oameni au trăit fără iubire, nici unul nu a trăit fără apă.) - Wystan Hugh Auden
- A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. (Multor oameni le place zăpada. Mie mi se pare că e o înghețare inutilă a apei.) - Carl Reiner
- A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water. (Femeia este ca o punguță de ceai: nu știi niciodată cât de tare este până când nu o bagi în apă fierbinte.) - Eleanor Roosevelt
- You are 87% water; the other 13% keeps you from drowning. (87% ești apă; restul de 13% te ține la suprafață să nu te îneci.) - P.E. Morris
- I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean. (Cred în intratul în apă fierbinte; te menține curat.) - G.K. Chesterton
- Despair, in short, seeks its own environment as surely as water finds its own level. (Pe scurt, deznădejdea își caută propriul mediu la fel de sigur cum apa ia forma vasului în care se află.) - A. Alvarez
- Water, everywhere over the earth, flows to join together. A single natural law controls it. Each human is a member of a community and should work within it. (Apele din toată lumea curg pentru a se uni. O singură lege naturală le controlează. Fiecare individ este membru al unei comunități și ar trebui să funcționeze în cadrul ei.) - I Ching
- Only cat lovers know the luxury of fur-coated, musical hot water bottles that never go cold. (Numai iubitorii de pisici știu ce înseamnă luxul de a avea sticle îmbrăcate în blană, muzicale, umplute cu apă caldă care nu se răcește niciodată.) - Susanne Millen
- The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing, but Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air. (Peștii din apă-s tăcuți, dobitoacele de pe pământ sunt zgomotoase, păsările din văzduh cântă. Omul însă are într-însul tăcerea mării, larma pământului și muzica văzduhului.) - Rabindranath Tagore
- Man will never understand woman and vice versa. We are oil and water. An equal level can never be maintained, as one will always excel where the other doesn't, and that breeds resentment. (Bărbatul nu va înțelege niciodată femeia și reciproc. Suntem ca uleiul și apa. Nicicând nu se poate menține o proporție egală, căci întotdeauna unul va excela acolo unde celălalt nu o face și asta dă naștere resentimentelor.) - Dionne Warwick
Alte exemple de fraze cu Water
- We recommend that mains water have a water-quality test carried out once a year, well water twice a year.
- I've heard that if you default on the water rates your water supply will be suspended, is that true?
- This device made it possible to turn sea-water into fresh water easily.
- Sponge absorbs water so it is convenient for shading water-colours and such. [ad]
- Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water.
- Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.
- There are frequent instances of malicious door-to-door selling, such as pushing water purifiers on people after carrying out water quality tests without permission.
- We need not only adequate water but clean water.
- During the water shortage, the value of water really came home to me.
- The water of the water supply is dangerous.
- When converting 1 mole of ice into water, and 1 mole of water into steam, which requires more energy?
- When he said "water," she gave him water.
- I'd like some water.
- I would like some more water.
- Nothing was to be seen but water.
- I'd like some more water.
- We cannot do without water.
- Nothing is to be seen but water.
- He went into the water before me.
- There was no water in the well.
- There was little water in the well.
- Some water, please.
- Shall I get you some water?
- There is no water.
- Do you have any water?
- Water can not be had for nothing here.
- Here's some water.
- And there is not even enough water.
- I want some water.
- Just water please.
- We had little water.
- We have water enough.
- We had a little water.
- Can I have some water, please?
- Could I get some water, please?
- He fetched some water from the well.
- A glass of water, please.
- We've run out of water.
- I'll get a bucket of water.
- There is almost no water in this bottle.
- There is little water in the bucket.
- Is there much water in the dam?
- I am in deep water.
- There is more water than is needed.
- There is a little water in the bottle.
- If it not for water, nothing could live.
- Without water, nothing could live.
- Is there any water in the pot?
- He dashed us with water.
- Please give me some water.
- Give me some water, please.
- My water broke.
- Without water, we would soon die.
- He jumped into the water.
- Were it not for water, nothing could live.
- Please use the water with economy.
- There is much water left.
- This is impermeable to water.
- Another Scotch and water, please.
- The cat seems to want some water.
- He got the lady some water.
- We are badly in want of water.
- They jumped into the water one after another.
- He drank very little of the water.
- The water has boiled away.
- There is little water in the pond.
- They were badly in need of water.
- Can you swim under water?
- They splashed water over me.
- Add more water to it.
- We can not do without water even for a day.
- She poured in the water.
- This is insoluble in water.
- I'm going to Hawaii by water.
- There's little water in the tank, if any.
- We had no water to drink.
- Water the plants.
- Go through fire and water.
- Because there was plenty of water...
- I baptize with water.
- Much water is needed.
- There was no water in the river.
- No. He doesn't like water!
- May I have a glass of water?
- You can drink water, but you can also let it be.
- The water will soon drain away.
- The water is deepest here.
- Cold water, please.
- This glass contains water.
- The water came up to his waist.
- I'd like whiskey and water.
- "Please give me some water." "All right."
- We must water the flower.
- "I did that," she complained, "but there was no water in it!"
- We cannot exist without water.
- There is a little water in glass.
- There is little water left.
- Water is a liquid.
- Boil some water.
- A frog came out of the water.
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