Fraze exemplificatoare cu Reminds
- That reminds me! (Apropo!)
Citate exemplificatoare
- When women kiss, it always reminds me of prizefighters shaking hands. (Când femeile se sărută, îmi aduc aminte întotdeauna de boxerii profesioniști care își dau mâna.) - H.L. Mencken
- This quote reminds me to enjoy each moment of the summer: Steep thyself in a bowl of summertime. (Acest citat îmi amintește să mă bucur de fiecare clipă a verii: Scaldă-te într-un bol cu vară.) - Vergiliu
- Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else. (Vârsta mijlocie este atunci când ai întâlnit atât de mulți oameni încât fiecare nouă persoană pe care o întâlnești îți amintește de altcineva.) - Ogden Nash
- The crisis reminds me of the chill. The politicians of the wind. (Criza îmi amintește de frig. Politicienii, de vânt.) - Hasier Agirre
Alte exemple de fraze cu Reminds
- What you have just said reminds me of an old saying.
- She always reminds me of her mother.
- This reminds me of home.
- That reminds me of my father.
- She reminds me very much of her mother.
- He reminds me of my grandfather.
- "Six pence per second" Bob reminds her.
- This cottage reminds me of the one I was born in.
- The picture reminds me of my family.
- This park reminds me of my childhood.
- This music reminds me of that girl.
- This song reminds me of my childhood.
- This song always reminds me of my childhood.
- The way he walks reminds me very much of his father.
- Snow reminds me of my hometown.
- Your voice reminds me of your mother.
- He reminds me of his father when he speaks.
- That song always reminds me of my childhood.
- The story reminds me of a certain sight.
- The song always reminds me of my childhood.
- Tom reminds me of a boy I use to know.
- The picture reminds me of my childhood.
- The song reminds me of my childhood's.
- The song always reminds of my childhood.
- The song reminds me of my home.
- The song reminds me of a girl.
- This melody reminds me of my school days.
- This song always reminds me of my school days.
- Your voice reminds me of my late grandmother.
- Natto reminds me of a bad experience.
- The picture reminds me of my school days.
- This song reminds me of my home-town.
- This song reminds me of my happy days.
- The letter reminds me of my young days.
- This crowd reminds me of the streets of Tokyo.
- The picture reminds me of my student days.
- The song reminds me of my young days.
- The picture reminds me of my happy old days.
- This view reminds me of my home-town.
- The picture always reminds me of my home-town.
- This song reminds me of young days.
- This song reminds me of the good old days.
- This ugly yellow reminds me of the color of your bedsheets.
- The girl's name reminds me of my happy school days.
- The story reminds me of an experience I had long ago.
- What you have said reminds me of strange a experience I had a few years ago.
- The college song reminds me of the good old days.
- This album reminds me of my happy school days.
- That song reminds me of a famous movie actor.
- This picture reminds me of our happy days in England.
- This photograph reminds me of enjoyable times when I was a child.
- The picture reminds me of my happy school days.
- If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly, but thankfully.
- That portrait reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago.
- This song reminds me of my junior high school days.
Exemple din articole cu Reminds
- This reminds me of my best friend Megan.
- Avril Lavigne says Kesha reminds her of herself.
- Day Six - An song that reminds you of somewhere (30 Day Challenge).
- This reminds me of something else.
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