Citate exemplificatoare
- Consciousness of our powers augments them. (Conștientizarea puterilor noastre le mărește.) - Vauvenargues
- I sit here all day trying to persuade people to do the things they ought to have the sense to do without my persuading them. That's all the powers of the President amount to. (Stau aici toată ziua încercând să-i conving pe oameni să facă lucrurile pe care ar trebui să le facă singuri, fără să-i conving eu. La asta se rezumă toată puterea președintelui.) - Harry Truman
- The great end of education is to discipline rather than to furnish the mind to train it to the use of its own powers, rather than fill it with the accumulation of others. (Scopul suprem al educației este să antreneze mintea nu să o aglomereze, să o învețe să-și folosească propriile puteri nu să o umple cu cunoștințele altora.) - Tryon Edwards
- You don't have to fear defeat if you believe it may reveal powers that you didn't know you possessed. (Nu trebuie să te temi de înfrângere atâta vreme cât crezi că ar putea scoate la iveală o forță despre care nu știai că se ascunde în tine.) - Napolean Hill
- The man who succeeds above his fellows is the one who early in life clearly discerns his object, and towards that object habitually directs his powers. (Cel care reușește înaintea altora este cel care-și stabilește un scop clar încă din primăvara vieții, concentrându-și apoi eforturile în mod constant asupra acestui scop.) - Earl Nightingale
- Three things are necessary to make every man great,every nation great1.Conviction of the powers of goodness.2.Absence of jealousy and suspicion.3.Helping all who are trying to be and do good. (Doar trei lucruri sunt necesare pentru a zămisli un om măreț, o națiune măreață: 1. Convingerea în puterea binelui. 2. Lipsa geloziei și a suspiciunii. 3. Ajutorarea tuturor acelora care vor să fie buni și să facă bine.) - Swami Vivekananda
- Actors must have different colors, powers and backgrounds. I'm sure a man is not just either tough or mild. (Actorii trebuie să aibă culori, puteri și medii de proveniență diferite. Sunt sigur că oamenii nu sunt fie duri, fie blânzi.) - Jean Reno
- Pseudoscience speaks to powerful emotional needs that science often leaves unfulfilled. It caters to fantasies about personal powers we lack and long for. (Pseudoștiința se adresează nevoilor emoționale puternice pe care știința de multe ori le lasă nesatisfăcute. Aceasta ne satisface fanteziile despre puteri personale care nouă ne lipsesc și după care râvnim.) - Carl Sagan
Exemple de fraze cu Powers
- Such things are beyond my powers.
- This problem is beyond my powers.
- His powers are failing.
- He exercised his powers to the full.
- He has sharp powers of observation.
- Nikita Khrushchev was at the height of his powers.
- The dictator arrogated judicial powers to himself.
- Too much alcohol paralyzes our perceptive powers.
- Rank among the economic powers of the world.
- The war ended in victory for the Allied Powers.
- Japan is one of the greatest economic powers in the world.
- The Prime Minister is invested with incredible powers.
- I don't know if he has any special powers or not, but he's probably stronger than a normal human.
- Japan is today considered to be one of the greatest economic powers of the world.
- He has come to look like a sly-as-a-fox Premier who uses his position's powers to the fullest extent, to his own advantage.
- Having reached the rank of prime minister, and with the enthusiastic support of the masses, it seems he is able to wield presidential powers.
Exemple din articole cu Powers
- Limited edition Halo Reach Xbox 360 S powers up - Because plain old black is boring.
- The Legionaries of Christ has made public the decree that describes the powers given to Archbishop Velasio De Paolis, Pope Benedict XVI's delegate to the religious congregation.
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