Fraze exemplificatoare cu Performance
- The minimum prescribed performance must be attained. (Trebuie atinsă eficacitatea minimă prevăzută.)
- The performance didn't take. (Spectacolul n-a trecut rampa.)
- The performance was a riot. (Spectacolul a făcut furori.)
- The performance was just splendid. (Spectacolul a fost pur și simplu splendid.)
- The photometric performance must be checked. (Performanțele fotometrice trebuie verificate.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Consciousness is a phase of mental life which arises in connection with the formation of new habits. When habit is formed, consciousness only interferes to spoil our performance. (Conștiința este o fază a dezvoltării mentale care apare odată cu formarea noilor deprinderi. Atunci când ne formăm o nouă deprindere, conștiința intervine numai pentru a ne afecta performanța.) - W.R. Inge
- The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them. (Cea mai bună metodă de a îndemna oamenii către o performanță superioară este de a-i convinge prin atitudinea ta zilnică și prin tot ceea ce faci că îi susții sincer.) - Harold S. Geneen
- When a performance isn't working, it's usually because the actor is trying to do something and they're not able to express their idea very well. It's a muddled expression. (Când o interpretare nu e ceea ce trebuie, se întâmplă de obicei din pricină că actorul încearcă să facă ceva și nu e în stare să-și exprime idea foarte bine. Este o exprimare încâlcită.) - Casey Affleck
- I don't think anything is ever going to replace the human heart and what that generates in terms of performance. (Nu cred că ceva va înlocui vreodată inima omului și ceea ce generează ea în materie de interpretare.) - Ron Perlman
- The supreme misfortune is when theory outstrips performance. (Nenorocirea supremă este atunci când teoria depășește productivitatea.) - Leonardo da Vinci
Alte exemple de fraze cu Performance
- The performance was almost over.
- What time is the next performance?
- This car has a better performance than that one.
- No Admittance during the Performance.
- His performance was amazing.
- I was fascinated by her performance.
- He cried in admiration of her performance.
- I am not satisfied with my performance today.
- Do you have any tickets for today's performance?
- We praised him for his wonderful performance.
- OK, stop there! That was a strong performance from the two of you.
- I was enchanted by the performance of the group.
- I don't think that his performance was any good.
- His performance left nothing to be desired.
- His performance was worthy of praise.
- There were no tickets available for Friday's performance.
- Our sales performance is just skyrocketing.
- The performance was low-keyed.
- The performance was received with applause.
- The tickets were not available for Friday's performance.
- She's the girl whose performance won an Oscar.
- The spectators were moved by her graceful performance.
- You must take his age into account when you judge his performance.
- The audience was carried away by his touching performance.
- Her skating performance was a regular feat.
- She gave an amateur performance on the piano.
- The audience reacted in different ways to her performance.
- The game's outcome hangs on his performance.
- She was apprehensive about receiving criticism of her performance.
- His performance fell short of expectations.
- His performance was fair game for criticism.
- Would you like to see a live performance of a play with me Saturday?
- Those present at the concert were surprised by his performance.
- The performance got get terrific applause from the audience.
- The audience acclaimed the actors for their performance.
- Even if the performance is good, I still say we drop the project.
- The performance of electric cars has improved.
- I get really bad performance anxiety before (I give) a speech.
- The actress was presented a bouquet of flowers after the performance.
- The audience applauded him, which means his performance was a success.
- The Representative Director supervises Directors' performance of duties.
- A critic once said that if you saw my ballet paintings, you didn't have to go to a live performance.
- The evening performance at the Royal Theater had ended, and the audience had gone home.
- Today's performance of the ABC Symphony Orchestra fell short of my expectations.
- There was nothing wrong with their ability, it was just that the expense for each unit was so vast that the cost performance was bad.
- Mr Pryor collapsed with a subarachnoid haemorrhage when rehearsing for a performance in Paris. He was taken to local hospital but passed away at 4:23 pm.
- I absolutely love going to concerts not just because I get a chance to meet the musician or singer but because of the wondrous feeling of a live performance.
- The high performance and the elegant design of this model have combined to give it a high reputation.
Exemple din articole cu Performance
- Iceland leads the world in addressing pollution control and natural resource management challenges, according to the 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) produced by a team of environmental experts at Yale University and Columbia .
- The first shows the absolute performance of each sector over each decade, while the second shows the relative performance of each sector vs.
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