Citate exemplificatoare
- The fact to be inhabit by an incomprehensible nostalgia, could be the sign that there is an "elsewhere". (Faptul că sunt stăpânit de un dor de neînțeles, ar fi totuși semnul că există un altundeva.) - Eugene Ionesco
Exemple din articole cu nostalgia
- That image right up there caused a huge pang of nostalgia in me.
- well done nostalgia critic (OH MY GOD FIRST COMMENT! I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!) 03.
- Organised by the NSRA and Shakespeare County Raceway, a hot rod meet rolled up into a weekend of nostalgia style drag racing.
- Thanks sis Rose for inviting me to join your nostalgia meme .
- Digital Nostalgia work commissioned for Wired Italy.
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