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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu Moral
- It is a moral question.
- We will give them moral support.
- A baby has no moral compass.
- An animal has no moral sense.
- In Japan, moral education is necessary.
- He lacks moral sense.
- He lived moral life.
- He was lacking in moral fiber.
- He lived a moral life.
- I'll give you moral support.
- The moral improvement of the people.
- It is not acceptable to our moral code.
- My father led a moral life.
- It is worth while remembering the moral.
- My father was religious and he was a very moral man.
- My grandfather led a moral life.
- Did you understand the moral of this story?
- The perception of beauty is a moral test.
- The patriot sticks to his moral principles.
- A moral person doesn't lie, cheat, or steal.
- Moral and physical development are remarkable in the youth.
- I certainly don't subscribe to the view that women are necessarily more moral than men.
- A good person is a moral person.
Exemple din articole cu Moral
- It is a moral crime against all humanity to defend Jews, Judaism or Jewishness in any way, because the Jewish religion commands its followers to kill or enslave all the non Jewish inhabitants of the world, according to its holy book, .
- For the great divide in our politics isn't really about pragmatic issues, about which policies work best; it's about differences in those very moral imaginations.
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