Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu Marvelous
- What a marvelous sight!
- What marvelous weather.
- It is marvelous that he should have done such a thing.
- I saw a marvelous animal act at the circus.
- I had a marvelous view of Mt. Fuji.
- She has a marvelous sense of humor.
- It's a marvelous thing to do a play with her.
- It is really marvelous of you to remember my birthday.
- The beefsteak tasted marvelous.
- What a marvelous person your brother is!
- Mary hit on a marvelous idea.
- The castle was transformed into a marvelous museum.
- The story was full of marvelous happenings.
- The minister inspired us with a marvelous sermon.
- It's marvelous how quickly the medicine relieved my pain.
Exemple din articole cu Marvelous
- If you like cartoons you should check out Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.
- Pet Society developer Playfish released a new Marvelous Mystery Box, earlier today.
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