Fraze exemplificatoare cu mother
- My mother bought two bottles of orange juice. (Mama mi-a cumpărat două sticle de suc de portocale.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Freud is the father of psychoanalysis. It has no mother. (Freud este tatăl psihoanalizei. Aceasta nu are mamă.) - Germaine Greer
- Necessity, who is the mother of invention. (Necesitatea e mama invenției.) - Platon
- Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends. (Conștiința este o soacră a cărei vizită nu se termină niciodată.) - H.L. Mencken
- The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. (Cel mai remarcabil lucru în legătură cu mama mea este că, timp de treizeci de ani, a servit familiei la masă doar resturi de mâncare. Felul de mâncare inițial n-a fost niciodată găsit.) - Calvin Trillin
- Can any man or woman choose duties? No more that they can choose their birthplace, or their father or mother. (Poate un bărbat sau o femeie să-și aleagă obligațiile? Nu mai mult decât își poate alege locul de naștere, sau mama ori tatăl.) - George Eliot
- When I was a child, my mother said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk you'll end up as the pope." Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. (Când eram mic mama mi-a spus: "Dacă te duci în armată, vei deveni general. Dacă te duci la seminarul teologic, vei deveni Papă." În schimb am dvenit artist și sunt Picasso.) - Pablo Picasso
- No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed. (Niciun bărbat nu reușește fără o femeie pricepută în spatele lui. Fie soție, fie mamă; dacă sunt ambele, el este binecuvântat cu adevărat.) - Harold MacMillan
- The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (Cel mai important lucru pe care un tată îl poate face pentru copiii lui este să o iubească pe mama lor.) - Theodore Hesburgh
- Misery is when you make your bed and then your mother tells you it's the day she's changing the sheets. (Nefericirea e atunci când îți faci patul iar mama ta îți spune că e ziua în care ea schimbă lenjeria.) - Suzanne Heller
- Ignorance is the mother of fear. (Ignoranța este mama fricii.) - Harry Homes
Alte exemple de fraze cu mother
- I gave my mother carnations on Mother's Day.
- The mother of the mother is a nurse.
- But, I have to take my mother.
- How is your mother?
- She knows your mother very well.
- I said that to please my mother.
- I followed my mother's example.
- My mother is always on the go.
- My mother can't come.
- She should help her mother.
- Take this to your mother.
- Take this to my mother.
- My mother is out.
- If you go anywhere, you had better tell your mother first.
- By the way, would you like to come and see my mother?
- She is like a mother to me.
- I want my mother to get well soon.
- She looks like her mother.
- She is not anything like her mother.
- My mother is well off.
- Look here comes your mother.
- She looks like her mother, I tell you.
- I want to see your mother.
- She has to look after her mother.
- Mother you had me.
- Mother and I are different in every way.
- I have to help Mother.
- She is very much like her mother.
- Is she your mother?
- Her mother is not as old as she looks.
- You must help your mother.
- His mother was right.
- "Who is it?" "It's your mother."
- How's your mother?
- He took me for my mother.
- My mother is certain to say no.
- Mother said that she was all right.
- He looks just like his mother.
- Said his mother.
- He was never to see his mother again.
- You look just like your mother.
- Your mother will get well soon.
- Where is mother?
- He asked after my mother.
- I'm really attached to my mother.
- I resemble my mother.
- He longed for his mother.
- I ran to my mother.
- I went to Disneyland with my mother.
- I saw him scolded by his mother.
- I saw his mother scold him.
- I never see her without thinking of her mother.
- He asked her where her mother was.
- He writes to his mother every now and then.
- I went to the hospital to see my mother.
- He often worried his mother.
- The baby wants its mother.
- Mother Mary come to me.
- People often said to my mother.
- His mother used to be a singer.
- One should love his mother.
- I love my mother very much.
- Who will take the place of his mother?
- I am waiting for my mother.
- His mother will not consent to his going there alone.
- His mother is American.
- His mother came to pick him up.
- He is very afraid of his mother.
- I'm no better at cooking than my mother.
- I cannot cook as well as my mother does.
- He has yet to get in touch with his mother.
- Who helps your mother?
- I sometimes write to my mother.
- You take after your mother. You remind me of her.
- You speak like your mother.
- What is your mother tongue?
- Is your mother at home now?
- Please give my best regards to your mother.
- Let me introduce my mother to you.
- I never see you without thinking of my mother.
- I'm sorry my mother is not at home.
- You remind me of my mother.
- You should call your mother as soon as possible.
- You remind me of your mother.
- Is your mother at home?
- My mother is always complaining about me.
- Get your mother to do your homework!
- Please remember me to your mother.
- I, your mother, will take care of everything for you.
- I hope that your mother will get well soon.
- Can I go swimming, Mother?
- My mother is active.
- In a way, Susie seems like my mother.
- I can't see you without thinking of your mother.
- My wife gets on well with my mother.
- I owe what I am to my mother.
- My mother gets up at six every morning.
- My mother almost never complains.
- My mother tongue.
- I sometimes dream of my mother.
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