Fraze exemplificatoare cu Key
- The golden key opens every door. (Cu cheia de aur orice uși poți deschide.)
- The key doesn't fit the lock. (Cheia nu se potrivește cu lacătul.)
- The key identifier has the form shown above. (Identificatorul cheii are forma indicată mai sus.)
- Water is a key resource issue of the future. (Apa este o resursă esențială pentru viitor.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- The key to your universe is that you can choose. (Cheia către propriul univers este faptul că poți să alegi.) - Carl Frederick
- Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. (Iertarea este cheia spre acțiune și libertate.) - Hannah Arendt
- Our brains are seventy-year clocks. The Angel of Life winds them up once for all, then closes the case, and gives the key into the hand of the Angel of the Resurrection. (Creierele noastre sunt ceasuri de șaptezeci de ani. Îngerul Vieții le întoarce o dată pentru toți, apoi închide cutia și înmânează cheia Îngerului Renașterii.) - Hafiz
- I am bigger than anything that can happen to me. All these things, sorrow, misforturne, and suffering, are outside my door. I am in the house, and I have the key. (Sunt mai presus de tot ceea ce mi s-ar putea întâmpla. Toate aceste lucruri, tristețe, nenorocire și suferință se află de cealaltă parte a ușii. Eu sunt în casă și am cheia.) - Charles Fletcher Lummis
- The key is to get to know people and trust them to be who they are. Instead, we trust people to be who we want them to be - and when they're not, we cry. (Secretul este să îi cunoști pe oameni și să ai încredere în ei că sunt cine sunt. În schimb, noi avem încredere în oameni că sunt ceea ce vrem noi să fie, iar când nu sunt, ne plângem.) - David Duchovny
- When you're passionate about something, you want it to be all it can be. But in the endgame of life, I fundamentally believe the key to happiness is letting go of that idea of perfection. (Când ești pasionat de ceva vrei ca acel lucru să existe la intensitate maximă. Însă, în ultimă instanță, cred esențialmente că în viață cheia fericirii este renunțarea la ideea de perfecțiune.) - Debra Messing
- I always felt that acting was an escape, like having the secret key to every door and permission to go into any realm and soak it up. I enjoy that free pass. (Întotdeauna am simțit că jocul actoricesc a fost o evadare, ca și cum ai deține cheia secretă a fiecărei uși și permisiunea de a păși pe orice tărâm și de a-l absorbi. Mă bucur de acest permis de liberă trecere.) - Edward Norton
- You have to make peace with yourself. The key is to find the harmony in what you have. (Trebuie să faci pace cu tine însăți. Secretul este să găsești armonia în ceea ce ai.) - Naomi Watts
- Do what you haven't done is the key, I think. (Secretul e să faci ceea ce încă nu ai făcut. Cred.) - Ridley Scott
- Confidence is key. Sometimes, you need to look like you're confident even when you're not. (Încrederea este secretul. Uneori trebuie să arăți încrezătoare în propria-ți persoană chiar dacă nu este așa.) - Vanessa Hudgens
Alte exemple de fraze cu Key
- You are looking for your key.
- This is the key I have been looking for.
- Is this the key you are looking for?
- This is the key which I have been looking for.
- What's this key for?
- Get me the key.
- Here is your key.
- I'm looking for my key.
- Can I have the key now, please?
- May I have the key?
- He sang off key.
- He turned the key.
- The key was nowhere to be found.
- This is the key for the box.
- I'm a lock without a key.
- Is this the key your uncle is looking for?
- I have lost the key.
- I can't find my key.
- Here's the key, here's the contract.
- Please take charge of this key.
- We found out the key at last.
- Turn the key to the right.
- I lost my key about here.
- He looked for the key.
- Bring me the key.
- I looked for the key.
- You took wrong key.
- Where was it that you found this key?
- This is the key to the whole mystery.
- There is a key on the desk.
- I must have lost my key along the way.
- She handed out a key to him.
- Where did you find the key?
- I found the key for which I had been looking.
- She handed him the key.
- The key is on the desk.
- I have lost my key.
- The key was left in the room.
- He holds the key to this problem.
- I searched the drawer for the key.
- Steel is a key industry.
- It goes without saying that honesty is the key to success.
- It is education that is key to the success.
- I seem to have misplaced my key last night.
- Please bring the master key.
- I've lost my car key.
- I may have put the key somewhere in this room.
- Key success factor.
- I remember giving him the key.
- Perseverance, it is often said, is the key to success.
- He searched his pockets for the key.
- I forget the key and went back for it.
- He fished in the drawer for the key.
- Perseverance, as you know, is the key to success.
- He had a duplicate key made from that one.
- Without the key, she could not have entered the room.
- The key of the symphony is G minor.
- She searched her pockets for the key.
- She put the key in her pocket.
- The key word is equality.
- It goes without saying that diligence is the key to success.
- He looked for the key to the door.
- She's lost her car key.
- Find the missing key.
- Give me the key to this lock!
- Give me the key to this castle!
- It goes without saying that diligence is a key to success.
- Apply the key to a safe.
- It was careless of you to lose the key.
- Don't play with that key!
- This key won't go in the lock.
- Where did you put our key to the house?
- He put the key in the lock.
- I'm afraid this key does not fit.
- This key admits to his room.
- This letter is the only key to the mystery.
- He took a key from his coat pocket.
- "The key," he added, "is in the lock".
- He was placed in a key position by the president.
- John took a key out of his pocket.
- I left my key in my room.
- He searched his bag for his car key.
- He found his key and opened the door.
- She may have left her car key in her room.
- He turned up a key to the solution of the mystery.
- He put the key on the desk as usual.
- The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.
- He searched the room for the lost key.
- I broke down the door because I lost the key.
- I was at a loss when I lost my house key.
- I found the key underneath the mat.
- I don't remember where I put my key.
- It was careless of you to lose my car key.
- The mayor presented him with the key to the city.
- I picked up a key I found on the way today.
- It was careless of you to leave the key in the car.
- Jim turned the key in the lock.
- I asked for the key and went upstairs to my room.
- As I left the house, I remembered the key.
- Needless to say, diligence is a key to happiness.
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