Exemple de fraze cu Judy
- Judy looked at me.
- I called on Judy.
- How long have you known Judy?
- Judy likes him.
- Judy is kind to everyone.
- I'd like to speak to Judy.
- Please give my best regards to Judy.
- Judy dances very well.
- Judy is smart.
- Judy laughed at me.
- Judy smiled at me.
- Judy is fond of dancing.
- I called at Judy's house.
- I want to play tennis with Judy.
- Sachiko is more popular than Judy.
- I will write Judy a letter.
- Judy is the only woman on the board.
- Judy sent her children to bed.
- Judy is a most clever student.
- Judy decided to wear her new bikini.
- That girl who has long hair is Judy.
- That girl whose hair is long is Judy.
- Tom came running with a letter from Judy.
- Judy isn't a good singer, is she?
- Judy was born on the morning of September 5.
- Needless to say, Judy come late as usual.
- Judy will talk about Japan tomorrow.
- Who runs faster, Judy or Tony?
- Judy picked pretty shells on the beach.
- Judy spends a lot of time looking in the mirror.
- Judy spent hours on end writing and rewriting her essay.
Exemple din articole cu Judy
- It's the day of the dueling press releases, with both Mayor Sam Katz and challenger Judy Wasylycia-Leis sending out releases within minutes of one another pledging support for the arts community.
- A rare clip of the Ramones doing 'Judy Is A Punk' from 1974 at CBGB's.
- It started this summer, when Judy Blume confirmed via Twitter that "Tiger Eyes," her amazing story about a 15-year-old girl coping with the death of her father, was being adapted for film.
- But clueless me, I had no idea they were paying tribute to an iconic performance by Barbra Streisand and Judy Garland, from Garland's TV show.
- It has the potential for a cringe-inducing moment but Judy Wasylycia-Leis is throwing caution .
- Judy Wasylycia-Leis' biggest problem in this election campaign is that she's been un-able to present herself to voters as anything but a left-leaning, union-loving, tax-and-spend New Democrat.
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