Fraze exemplificatoare cu JUST
- A ghost has just walked over my grave. (M-au trecut fiorii.)
- Are you just going to stand there all day? (Ai de gând să stai acolo toată ziua?)
- He has just published an interesting series of articles. (El a publicat de curând o serie interesată de articole.)
- Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the problem is fixed. (Bună, vroiam doar să te anunț că s-a rezolvat problema.)
- I can just touch the ceiling. (Pot abia să ating plafonul.)
- I just don't get him. (Pur și simplu nu-l înțeleg.)
- I just don't know what to say... (Chiar nu știu ce să zic...)
- I just wanted to check my email. (Vroiam doar să îmi verific email-urile.)
- I was just kidding. (Glumeam.)
- I'm just saying! (Am zis și eu!)
- Life without love is just totally pointless. (Viață fără iubire nu are sens.)
- Mathematics is not just the memorization of formulas. (Matematica nu înseamnă doar să memorezi formule.)
- She just managed to pass the examination. (De-abia a reușit să treacă examenul.)
- Stand just so! (Stai așa!)
- That is just the point. (Aici e toată problema.)
- That's just like him. (Ăsta îi e felul.)
- The baby has just learned to walk. (Copilașul de-abia a învățat să umble.)
- The brain is just a complicated machine. (Creierul nu este decât o mașinărie mai complicată.)
- The door was opened just a crack. (Ușa era întredeschisă.)
- The performance was just splendid. (Spectacolul a fost pur și simplu splendid.)
- They live just up the road. (Ei stau mai departe pe aceeași stradă.)
- This is just what I expected from him. (Tocmai la așa ceva mă așteptam din partea lui.)
- This is just what I expected of him. (Tocmai la așa ceva mă așteptam din partea lui.)
- This is just what I wanted. (Este tocmai ceea ce am dorit.)
- To be perfect she lacked just one defect. (Pentru a fi perfectă, îi lipsea doar un defect.)
- We might just as well have stayed at home! (Am fi putut foarte bine să stăm acasă!)
- Who is the worthy who has just arrived? (Ăsta care a venit acum ce ștab o mai fi?)
- You're just running away from life's problems. (Tu doar fugi de problemele vieții.)
- Your story just won't wash with me! (Ce-mi spui sunt baliverne?!)
- Your story just won't wash with me. (Nu mă prind.)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Table 'citatep_citatepedia.z_citatepedia_eng' doesn't existExemple din articole cu JUST
- The Apple rumor that keeps on giving -- the touchscreen iMac -- has just been given another shot of monger juice.
- Over the years Ive watched this case unravel, and eventhough there are counter arguments are everything pertaining to this case, if I step back and think about it, i get an ache in my gut that tells me something just isnt right.
- I couldn't resist buying this adorable avatar called Just Desserts.
- Totally agree about just getting into the dance.
- GAJ not just mockups.
- Huzzahs and alarums! Apple's January 27 event has just been announced to tech journos all over the world with a new invite reading .
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