Fraze exemplificatoare cu interest
- Great interest was made to save him. (S-a făcut uz de toate mijloacele pentru a-l salva.)
- The interest shall be paid to the member state. (Dobânzile se plătesc statului membru.)
- The rate of interest used shall be chosen prudently. (Rata dobânzii utilizată se alege cu prudență.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. (Este interesant să observăm faptul că, în timp ce despre unii delfini se spune că au învățat engleza - până la 50 de cuvinte folosite într-un context corect - despre niciun om nu s-a spus că a învățat delfineza.) - Carl Sagan
- The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. (Secretul unei memorii bune este atenția, iar atenția la un anume subiect depinde de interesul pentru el. Rareori uităm ceva ce ne-a marcat profund.) - Tryon Edwards
- An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. (Vin alegerile. Se declară pace universală și vulpile au interesul sincer de a prelungi viețile orătăniilor.) - T.S. Eliot
- We talk on principle, but we act on interest. (Vorbim bazându-ne pe principiu, dar acționăm din interes.) - Walter Savage Landor
- Parentage is a very important profession, but no test of fitness for it is ever imposed in the interest of the children. (Profesia de părinte este foarte importantă, dar niciun test care să determine calificarea unei persoane pentru aceasta nu s-a impus vreodată în interesul copiilor.) - Walter Besant
- To waken interest and kindle enthusiasm is the sure way to teach easily and successfully. (Trezind interesul și stârnind entuziasmul este cea mai sigură cale de a învăța pe cineva cu ușurință și succes.) - Tryon Edwards
- When things are too easy I lose interest in them so I find ways to complicate them to get myself interested. (Când lucrurile sunt prea ușoare îmi pierd interesul față de ele, așa că găsesc modalități de a le complica ca să devin interesat.) - Richard Marx
- My interest lies in my self-expression - what's inside of me - not what I'm in. (Interesul meu rezidă în auto-exprimare, în ceea ce există înăuntrul meu, nu în ceea ce mă pasionează.) - John Turturro
- Excessive interest in pathological behavior was itself pathological. (Interesul excesiv pentru comportamentul patologic era el însuși patologic.) - Arthur C. Clarke
- It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. (Pentru profit și nu din altruism, ne asigură brutarul, măcelarul sau berarul cina necesară.) - Adam Smith
Alte exemple de fraze cu interest
- We have a majority interest (controlling interest) in the company.
- Thank you for your interest.
- It's in your interest go.
- We have a 50% interest in the company.
- Thank you for your interest in our company.
- We borrowed at 5% interest.
- I have lost interest in it.
- I have little interest in history.
- She has a lively interest in everything around us.
- Do you have any interest in sports?
- There is nothing special interest to me.
- My interest quickened.
- I have an interest in photography.
- We must always consider the public interest.
- He acted in his own interest.
- He has not a little interest in music.
- He still keeps up his interest in music.
- He has very little interest in his children.
- What are the points of interest here?
- Modern art has no interest for me.
- I traveled in the interest of my company.
- I have an interest in cello and piano.
- I've lost interest in golf.
- She has a 10 percent interest in the company.
- I have not the least interest in detective stories.
- He has an interest in collecting insects.
- I have an interest in Oriental ceramics.
- Politics didn't interest him.
- You must take an interest in current events.
- They take a deep interest in what you are buying.
- What degree of interest did he show?
- He showed an interest in the book.
- He paid the loan with interest.
- Interest in the game has dropped off.
- Anyone can cultivate their interest in music.
- He has lost interest in politics.
- Where he will live doesn't interest us.
- Her only interest is the accumulation of money.
- His main interest is in history.
- He showed interest in the plan.
- I don't have much interest in cooking.
- I have little, if any, interest in popular songs.
- I have not the slightest interest in his plans.
- I have a keen interest in politics.
- I lost interest in my work.
- She has a great interest in music.
- I have lost both principal and interest.
- This is the very reason why I take no interest in art.
- She lost interest in her work.
- The matter touches your interest.
- The loan bears an 8% interest.
- The fact was of interest to the scientists.
- The loan carries 5.5% interest.
- That incident drew his interest.
- The teacher aroused our interest.
- I take great interest in history.
- I put on an air of interest.
- Really? You didn't show much interest before. I wonder what's got into you?
- You share his interest in this book?
- She had a passionate interest in music.
- Read such books as interest you.
- We are working in the interest of peace.
- Our interest converges on that point.
- Accrued interest will be paid into your account.
- I lost interest in collecting stamps.
- The public interest was directed at his judgement.
- Canned food doesn't interest her.
- You need to show a genuine interest in the other person.
- He was watching the scene with breathless interest.
- I have no interest in putting my money into your dreams.
- A bank lends us money at interest.
- He showed little interest in books or music.
- When I see typos I lose interest in answering.
- He doesn't show any interest in science.
- We visited places of historic interest.
- He shows interest in winter sports.
- Gradually the interest rate will increase.
- The phenomenon of interest is in itself a most interesting subject.
- All of us have us interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians.
- All of us have some interest in history. In a sense, we are all historians.
- They want to talk to you about areas of mutual interest.
- My interest in politics is strictly academic.
- This loan will carry very heavy interest.
- I have a great interest in the Wars of the Roses.
- My son took an early interest in politics.
- She has a great interest in house keeping.
- My uncle has a deep interest in art.
- I have no interest in ordinary people. [Manga]
- She has no experience in typing, nor does the skill interest her.
- She takes a great interest in English.
- We borrowed money at high interest.
- This deposit bears three percent interest.
- I realized that what I had chosen didn't really interest me.
- The picnic was canceled for lack of interest.
- Given her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.
- I lost half my interest in the project.
- Interest on loans is high at present.
- She paid seven percent interest on the loan.
- Tom showed interest in the plan.
- My father holds the major interest in the corporation.
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