Fraze exemplificatoare cu ill
- As ill luck would have it. (Din nefericire)
- We could ill afford it. (Nu prea ne dădea mâna să-l luăm.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Minds, like bodies, will often fall into a pimpled, ill-conditioned state from mere excess of comfort. (Mințile, ca și trupurile, cad, deseori, într-o stare bolnăvicioasă, pur și simplu din prea multă comoditate.) - Charles Dickens
- Oh, this age! How tasteless and ill-bred it is! (Oh, epoca asta! Cât de lipsită de gust și nemanierată este!) - Catullus
- Better were it to be unborn than to be ill bred. (Mai degrabă să nu se fi născut decât să fie prost crescut.) - Walter Raleigh
- An arrow may fly through the air and leave no trace; but an ill thought leaves a trail like a serpent. (O săgeată zboară prin aer fără să lase nicio urmă; dar un gând rău lasă o urmă ca un șarpe.) - Charles Mackay
- To hate and to fear is to be psychologically ill... it is, in fact, the consuming illness of our time. (Să urăști și să te temi înseamnă să fii bolnav mintal... este, de fapt, boala vremurilor noastre.) - H.A. Overstreet
Alte exemple de fraze cu ill
- A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as a ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck.
- The best or worst thing to man, for this life, is good or ill choosing his good or ill wife.
- Ill got, ill spent.
- Though I have done nothing against them, they think ill of me.
- She seems to be very ill.
- He may have been ill.
- He was very old and ill.
- She might be seriously ill.
- She became very ill.
- She said that she was ill.
- He must have been ill.
- They say that he is seriously ill.
- He has been ill, but is not ill now.
- She seems to have been ill.
- It seems that she was ill.
- He seems to have been ill.
- It seemed that he had been ill.
- He seemed to have been ill.
- He is ill.
- He seems ill.
- How did you get to know she was ill?
- He cannot be ill.
- He could not come because he was ill.
- He looks as if he is going to be ill.
- He was taken ill.
- She cannot have been ill.
- He cannot come, he is ill.
- He seems to be ill.
- He is ill. That is why he is not here.
- He looks as if he were ill.
- He looks as if he had been ill.
- Between us, she was ill.
- Oh, I was ill.
- He can't be ill.
- You must allow for his being ill.
- He seemed to be ill.
- She could not come because she was ill.
- He can't have been ill.
- He cannot have been ill.
- If he is not ill, he will come.
- What would you do, if you should be taken ill?
- It is said that she is seriously ill.
- He's very ill.
- It is said that she is ill.
- He may have been ill then.
- I suspect he is ill.
- He said, "I felt ill, but I am all right."
- Never speak ill of others.
- It is probable that he is ill.
- He looks as if he had been ill for more than a month.
- I hear he is ill.
- It never occurred to me that he might be ill.
- Can it he true that he is ill?
- He acted as if he were ill.
- I can see he is ill by his appearance.
- It never occurred to me that he might he ill.
- He could not join us because he was ill.
- He is not seldom ill.
- It is true that he is ill.
- He could not go on the hike because he was ill.
- He looked as if he had been ill.
- One should not speak ill of others.
- He is very ill with pneumonia.
- He is ill with influenza.
- He is seriously ill and unlikely to recover.
- He was seriously ill, and the doctor was sent for.
- The fact is that she is ill.
- He fancies himself ill.
- They fell ill one after another.
- He bears ill will against me.
- When did he fall ill?
- Let's keep it secret that he is ill.
- I was given to understand that she was ill.
- He was ill, so he couldn't come.
- I saw at once that he was ill at ease.
- I was ill for weeks after.
- I know for certain that Mary is seriously ill.
- He was ill, and so they were quiet.
- I was ill yesterday.
- He has been ill ever since Sunday.
- I'm afraid he is ill.
- I didn't know that she was ill.
- You should not speak ill of others.
- There is no one that knows him who speaks ill of him.
- She tends to speak ill of others.
- Mary said to me, Are you ill?
- She is ill-natured.
- I think you'd better take a rest; you look ill.
- She was taken ill on holiday.
- She looks pale. She may have been Ill.
- She has been ill since about summer.
- How long have you been ill?
- She looks pale as if she were ill.
- She looked as if she had been ill.
- It happened that he was ill.
- She ignored the fact that he is ill.
- If I were not ill, I would join you.
- She said that she was ill, which was a lie.
- I hear that you've been ill.
- I will not allow you to be ill-treated.
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