Citate exemplificatoare
- Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly. (Nimic nu mă irită mai mult decât lenea cronică a altora. Luați seamă, numai față de lenea mentală obiectez. Lenea fizică poate fi dumnezeiască.) - Elizabeth Hurley
Exemple de fraze cu heavenly
- What a heavenly dress!
- What heavenly weather!
- There are countless heavenly bodies in space.
- Astronomy is the science of heavenly bodies.
- The word came to be used for all small heavenly bodies revolving about larger ones.
- He was a great authority on astronomy, or the science of the heavenly bodies.
- Quasars are brilliantly shining heavenly bodies that are extremely far away.
Exemple din articole cu heavenly
- Laura, over at Heavenly Homemakers, is having a sale this weekend and she's offering 25% off everything in her entire store when you use coupon code PINKFRIDAY at checkout.
- To the right of the Heavenly Metal display, there is a brand new Revlon mascara called Revlon Customeyes.
- Just like a magic wand, point out your Android to the sky and you are given a glimpse of heavenly bodies, your window to the skies.
- Heavenly city.
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