Fraze exemplificatoare cu HILL
- The hill was so high that we couldn't climb it. (Muntele era așa de înalt, încât nu am putut să-l urcăm.)
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- A cellar was dug on top of the hill and slowly they moved the house from the road to the hill.
- We ran down the hill.
- You can ski on that hill.
- You must go up the hill.
- The car ran down the hill.
- The sun is going down behind the hill.
- He is over the hill, you know.
- He would often go to the hill.
- There is a low hill near the sea.
- He went down the hill.
- When he came to, he was lying alone on the hill.
- The hill overlooked the sea.
- They got to a village under a hill.
- The top of the hill is flat.
- I don't think this old car will make it to the top of the hill.
- The temple is at the top of the hill.
- The old man stood on the hill.
- I walked up the hill.
- There used to be a castle on this hill.
- They stood on the top of the hill.
- We toiled up a hill.
- We had a gallop over the hill.
- You can see the whole city from this hill.
- Debit Mr Hill with $100.
- How about walking to the top of the hill?
- He lives at the top of the hill.
- His house is beyond the hill.
- He came tumbling down the hill.
- There used to be a castle on the hill.
- Who was the man killed on the hill?
- The car labored up the hill.
- The man whom we saw in the park was Mr Hill.
- We went on a picnic to the hill.
- The name of the man I met yesterday is Mr Hill.
- He came down the hill on his bicycle.
- The children ran down the hill.
- The top of the hill was bare.
- He is standing on the hill.
- That church on the hill is very old.
- The hill is always green.
- We came in sight of the hill.
- Are there oak tree on the hill?
- There is a house on the hill.
- I will get to the foot of the hill before dawn.
- His house is at the foot of the hill.
- We surveyed the view from the top of the hill.
- You can see millions of stars on this hill.
- His villa on the hill commands the sea.
- The house which stands on the hill is very old.
- The hill was all covered with snow.
- He took a slide down the hill on his sled.
- The hill lay covered with snow.
- The church stands on the hill.
- The hotel stands on hill.
- Everyone in the class climbed the hill.
- There used to be a great castle on that hill.
- Look at that building standing on the hill.
- The building on the hill is our school.
- Our school stands on a hill.
- Our school is situated on a hill.
- Our school stands on the hill.
- A castle stands a little way up the hill.
- There used to be a small castle on this hill.
- They drove a tunnel through the hill.
- Look at that tower standing on the hill.
- Seen from the top of the hill, the island is very beautiful.
- There is a village between the river and the hill.
- The moon rose above the hill.
- The army advanced up the hill.
- The house stands on the hill.
- The church stood alone on the hill.
- The old castle stands on the hill.
- The hill is bare of trees.
- His house was in sight from the top of the hill.
- From the hill we could see all the building in the city.
- He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill.
- The house stood on the hill.
- Her villa sits on the hill.
- They began to climb the hill.
- Brian lives over the hill.
- Seen from a distance, the hill looks like an elephant.
- My house stands on a hill.
- His house stands on the hill.
- There was a cottage on the side of the hill.
- We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.
- There is a large house on the hill.
- He drove slowly up the hill.
- The church stands on a hill.
- The school is located on a hill.
- To make a mountain of a mole hill.
- There was a time, one evening, when I stood on top of that hill.
- You see a white building at the foot of the hill.
- Her old bike squeaked as she rode down the hill.
- We'll make the summit of the hill by noon.
- The fresh snow looks beautiful on the hill.
- The soldiers got to the foot of the hill before dawn.
- They abandoned the hill to enemy forces.
- He stood on the hill surveying the landscape.
- The church stands at the foot of the hill.
- After running up the hill, I was completely out of breath.
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