Fraze exemplificatoare cu HER
- A smile played on her lips. (Pe buze îi flutura un zâmbet.)
- Ask her if he's going out this evening. (Întreab-o pe dacă iese în oraș în seara aceasta.)
- Do you know anything about her past? (Știi ceva despre trecutul ei?)
- Get her to come tomorrow. (Poate o poți convinge să vină mâine.)
- Give her the news. (Dă-i și ei vestea.)
- He loved her to distraction. (El o iubea la nebunie.)
- He was touched by her tears. (El a fost înduioșat de lacrimile ei.)
- I can't tell her now. (Nu pot să îi spun acum.)
- I wish I could love her all night long. (Aș vrea să fi făcut dragoste cu ea întreaga noapte.)
- Mary's blue dress goes with her eyes. (Rochia albastră a lui Mary se potrivește de minune la culoarea ochilor.)
- Mathematics is her strong point. (Matematica e partea ei tare.)
- Mother sends her love. (Mama vă trimite complimente.)
- Old woman is picking her geese. (Își scutură baba Dochia cojocul.)
- Serve her right! (Așa îi trebuie !)
- She bears her age well. (Se ține bine pentru anii ei.)
- She came as well as her sister. (A venit și ea și sora ei.)
- She carries her age well. (Se ține bine pentru anii ei.)
- She does not look her age. (Nu-și trădează vârsta.)
- She flew to meet her brother. (Alearga să-și întâmpine fratele.)
- She got a bruise on her leg. (Ea s-a ales cu o vânătaie la picior.)
- She got a lot of paintings from her uncle. (A primit o mulțime de picturi de la unchiul ei.)
- She got her wish. (I s-a făcut pe voie.)
- She has her wish. (Dorința ei se împlinește.)
- She has not her like. (Nu-și are seamăn.)
- She is a picture of her mother. (E leit maică-sa.)
- She is dieting to keep her figure. (Ține regim ca să-și păstreze silueta.)
- She is in her eighth year. (Are opt ani.)
- She is near her time. (Trebuie să nască.)
- She is quick on her pins. (E sprintenă.)
- She loves him next her own child. (Îl iubește ca și pe copilul ei.)
- She made the story up out of her own head. (Povestea era născocită de ea.)
- She parted with her family. (S-a despărțit de familie.)
- She put her hat on her head. (Și-a pus pălăria pe cap.)
- She slipped into her dressing gown. (Își puse repede pe ea capotul.)
- She took the ring from her finger. (Își scoase inelul din deget.)
- She took the ring off her finger. (Își scoase inelul din deget.)
- She took up her hair on top of the head. (Și-a făcut coafura montantă.)
- She was a beauty in her day. (A fost o frumusețe în tinerețea ei.)
- She was at the end of her patience. (Era la capătul răbdării.)
- She was wounded in her deepest affections. (A fost rănită în cele mai profunde sentimente.)
- She was wringing her hands in sorrow. (Își frângea mâinile de durere.)
- She waved her hand. (Făcea semn cu mâna.)
- She wept for her failure. (Plângea din cauza insuccesului.)
- She wept over her failure. (Plângea din cauza insuccesului.)
- She whiped off her shoes. (Își scoase repede pantofii.)
- She wore her hair up. (Purta părul ridicat.)
- She wrestled her attacker to the ground. (Luându-se la trântă cu atacatorul l-a doborât la pământ.)
- She's got a fair complexion while her brother is very dark. (Ea are un ten deschis, în timp ce fratele ei îl are foarte închis.)
- Tears flowed on her cheeks. (Îi curgeau lacrimi pe obraji.)
- Tears ran down her face. (Îi curgeau lacrimi pe obraji.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu HER
- Mom Katie Holmes takes her to another dance lesson -- and treats her to ice cream.
- Katy Perry was at Selfridges in London today for the launch of her new perfume in a kitty shaped bottle named Purr.
- Cindy McCain preferred to play the role of the silent, smiling political wife when her husband ran for president two years ago.
- For the first time in her career, Natalie Portman wonŽt only be starring in a movie.
- Kirstie Alley is still yapping about allegations that her Organic Liaison weight-loss system had ties to the Church of Scientology.
- A faithful volunteer translator at Global Voices in French since 2008, she is also a pioneer of using Global Voices in the classroom, where it has now been part of her students' advanced English curriculum for two years.
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