Fraze exemplificatoare cu Heart
- Cross my heart and hope to die! (Zii zău!)
- Don't take it to heart too much. (Nu te necăji din pricina asta.)
- Faint heart never won fair lady. (Cine nu îndrăznește, nu cucerește.)
- He has a heart condition. (El suferă cu inima.)
- His heart sank into his boots. (I-a pierit îndrăzneala.)
- My heart leapt into my mouth. (Mi-a sărit inima.)
- My heart misgives me. (Îmi spune inima ca o să se întâmple o nenorocire.)
- My heart smote me. (Am simțit o strângere de inimă.)
- My heart swelled with pride. (Mi-a crescut inima de mândrie.)
- My heart was filled with happiness. (În inima mea era numai bucurie.)
- My heart was not in it. (N-aveam niciun pic de tragere de inimă pentru asta.)
- My heart went out to him. (Mi-a fost simpatic din primul moment.)
- My heart went out to them. (Mi-au stârnit dragostea.)
- One's heart leap into one's mouth. (I-a înghețat inima.)
- One's heart leap into one's throat. (I-a înghețat inima.)
- She has a heart condition. (Ea suferă cu inima.)
- What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. (Ce-i în gușă și-n căpușă.)
- You ought to have your heart seen to. (Ar trebui să te duci la un doctor să-ți examineze inima.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu Heart
- Many people suffer from heart disease in Japan, but in Libya those having heart attacks have also increased a lot recently.
- We a heart-to-heart talk with each other.
- Oh, have a heart.
- He is a man after my own heart.
- He has a bad heart.
- You have no heart.
- I say this from my heart.
- This is really from my heart.
- Take heart and do it again.
- Please say it by heart.
- He is a man of warm heart.
- No one had the heart to say he was wrong.
- He put all his heart and soul into it.
- I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
- It keeps me sticking into my heart.
- He is young at heart.
- He is a kind man at heart.
- He is kind at heart.
- He has a kind heart.
- He is a good man at heart.
- She has a kind heart.
- He has a warm heart.
- He is too shy to bare his heart to her.
- His heart is broken.
- He has a black heart.
- His heart misgave him.
- He is not a liar at heart.
- These pills act on the heart.
- Who possesses his heart?
- I lost heart.
- My heart failed me.
- My heart's aching.
- Just follow your heart.
- Put your heart into your business.
- Can't let my heart kill myself.
- I am sick at heart.
- I have finally won his heart.
- Pray with all your heart.
- I love you with all my heart.
- It's not good for my heart.
- His heart filled with joy.
- His words went to my heart.
- Don't lose heart.
- I had a heart attack.
- Ann has a kind heart.
- My heart quickened.
- He's going to have a heart attack.
- I know the poem by heart.
- My heart bounded with joy.
- She was ill with heart disease.
- What a tender heart she has.
- If I should die, please offer my heart to someone who needs it.
- She has a clean heart.
- Open your heart and tell me everything.
- She has her heart in music.
- Her heart was filled with joy.
- He put his hand on his heart.
- She has a tender heart.
- She has a gentle heart.
- My heart of it is deeply.
- She cried her heart out.
- She thanked him with all her heart.
- Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
- Just follow your heart.
- He hardened his heart against her.
- Her heart was hammering.
- I am going to put my heart into the work.
- Her heart jumped for joy.
- We hope she will take heart soon.
- Her heart was full of joy.
- They are all good men at heart.
- Her heart bounded with joy.
- I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
- I love her from the bottom of my heart.
- But my heart goes to destroy the truth.
- I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.
- You're painting your heart with your blood.
- I could recite the story by heart.
- My heart's beating so fast!
- It's abnormal to have the heart on the right side.
- My heart fluttered with excitement.
- How my poor heart aches
- I talked to my heart's content.
- She unburdened her heart to her friends.
- Blessed are the pure in heart.
- I cannot heal a broken heart.
- I love this job from the bottom of my heart.
- My heart is full of trouble.
- His kindness touched my heart.
- Haru's always been like that, he's very kind at heart.
- I talked with her to my heart's content.
- I don't know what, but I felt in my heart something that gives me the chills.
- I tried to learn the melody by heart.
- Keep a good heart and go on writing.
- If you should fail, don't lose heart.
- My heart is beating fast.
- Suddenly (my) heart hurts.
- A mother's heart is always with her children.
- He was enjoying himself to his heart's content.
- I sympathize with you from the bottom of my heart.
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