Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Table 'citatep_citatepedia.z_citatepedia_eng' doesn't existExemple de fraze cu Grasp
- She is able to grasp the situation.
- She has a thorough grasp of her work.
- He tried to grasp the rail.
- Grasp all, lose all.
- The problem is beyond my grasp.
- This work is beyond my grasp.
- The situation is beyond my grasp.
- The country is in the grasp of the enemy.
- He has a good grasp of English.
- I was able to grasp the main points of the speech.
- He gave me a firm hand grasp.
- We fail to grasp the meaning of the word.
- Some people find it easier to grasp the short-term effects of smoking.
- Pepperberg hoped that a similar system would help Alex grasp the meaning of words, not just their sounds.
Exemple din articole cu Grasp
- When we find ourselves sinking into despair or giving in to the same qualities listed in Romans, then we are losing our grasp of God.
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