Fraze exemplificatoare cu group
- The control group is exposed in an identical manner. (Loturile martor se tratează în mod similar.)
- The data group shall be used. (Se utilizează acest grup de date.)
- The experts group shall consist of 20 members. (Grupul de experți este compus din 20 de membri.)
- The group may set up subgroups. (Grupul poate constitui subgrupuri de lucru.)
- The group shall adopt its rules of procedure. (Grupul își stabilește regulamentul de procedură.)
- The group shall elect a chairperson from among its members. (Grupul alege un președinte dintre membrii săi.)
- The group will meet in principle twice yearly. (Grupul se reunește în principiu de două ori pe an.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu group
- This group passes out information on such things as travel and health care, and encourages its members to vote on issues that affect this age group such as legislation regulating the insurance industry, medical care and housing.
- The first group studies in the morning, and the second group studies in the afternoon.
- She has something to do with the group.
- I had nothing to do with the group.
- Do you have something to do with this group?
- I want to join Joe's group.
- I don't want to identify myself with that group.
- They were a good group as a whole.
- The group of people came along with us.
- He strayed from his group.
- You should cut off your connections with that group.
- We came together to form a group.
- Which group do you want to join?
- By summit, do you mean the Group of Eight?
- What's your blood group?
- I'd like to join your group.
- Let's ally ourselves to that group.
- We didn't see any girls in the group.
- A group of boys were coming up to me.
- We are going to travel in a group this summer.
- A group of young men were fighting.
- A group of youths attacked the old man.
- I told you never to move in a group.
- Our group consisted of five persons.
- A group of children were playing.
- The group was made up of four young men.
- The group is made up of six members.
- The group was made up by Dick.
- The birds were flying in a group.
- That fish travels in a group, don't they?
- The group consists of 50 students in all.
- She bears malice toward our group.
- That group is presently very active.
- The group is running on the beach.
- I was enchanted by the performance of the group.
- The group was seated in the back of the restaurant.
- He hangs around with the wrong group of kids.
- He sided with the opposition group in the argument.
- A group of children were playing in the park.
- He was edged out of office by a group of younger men.
- My comment sparked off an argument in the group.
- He taught a group of Indian boys.
- The government clamped down on the minority group.
- The new venture was financed by a group of entrepreneurs.
- The entertainment expense was borne by our group.
- A group of teenagers robbed me of my money.
- It's more interesting to travel alone than to go on a group tour.
- Lunch is at 12:00 to coincide with the Technical Group.
- I met a group of hikers, some of whom were university students.
- The Japanese make a group and tend to act together.
- Let's pool our money and travel as/in a group.
- I saw a group of foreigners on my way to school this morning.
- The police is always watching the movements of the group.
- The group was made up of teachers and students.
- During the tour he broke apart from the group and found his own way.
- A group of gangsters stole money.
- When all the group members are silent, somebody must break the ice.
- The group of noisy boys was getting out of hand.
- The group withdrew their support for the Government.
- A group of foreigners arrived in Edo, i.e. Tokyo.
- I hear that popular group will be disbanded.
- The group tried to solve social problems.
- The company is owned by a group of entrepreneurs who started it right after the war.
- A Japanese child is a group member even when it is sleeping.
- The Japanese tend to identify themselves with the group they belong to.
- The volunteer group provided the villagers with water.
- A group of young men are playing handball in the playground.
- A group of people started off in snow boots.
- An investors' group is attempting a leveraged buy-out of the firm.
- At the summer camp, she was in charge of the group I belonged to.
- Taking the group of children to the library was no problem.
- One day, the police raided a whole group of prostitutes and the girl was among them.
- It is the behavior of the control group that is important in this connection.
- The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual.
- Grooming in primates increases group cohesion.
- I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group.
- She led a group of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity.
- The volunteer group provides war victims with food and medicine.
- This list is inclusive of the past members of the group.
- American consumer group identifies RealPlayer as 'badware'.
- The group put up posters to remind people that noise is harmful.
- In Japan, students are supposed to be selfless and group-centered.
- A group started a campaign to preserve rain forests.
- We're a mixed group and I never knew who was a Serb, a Croat or a Muslim.
- The activities of the volunteer group covered half a century.
- A group of scientists stood by, ready to record the experiment.
- A group of foreign students visited Akira's high school.
- While this group has a great deal of spending power, it is not working, and therefore, not producing anything.
- The boss said this group is a real mixed bag. I wonder if he places me with the wheat or the chaff.
- The significant point as regards the segregation problem is to clarify the value system of each group.
- The group was planning a bull session to talk about the upcoming party.
- The working group on data transfer, led by Ben Manny, will hold a meeting on Jan 14, 1999.
- It was good to feel like one of the group, because my blond hair and 185 cm height already made me stand out.
- Imagine, for the sake of argument, a tribal group in which mother-son incest was countenanced.
- In my social studies class, for example, there are often discussions that include the teacher as another member of the group.
- Given our interdependence, any world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will inevitably fail. So whatever we think of the past, we must not be prisoners of it.
- In a football game the spectators are usually ardent rooters for one of the two teams, but there also is a small group who will climb on the bandwagon of the winning team.
- Totem poles consist of a group of figures which represent animals, birds, fish, mythological beings and supernatural beasts.
- Soviet and Western observers have warned that if the Muslim republics do not join the commonwealth, they may from a separate group, setting up a volatile ethnic and religious split.
- The race developed into a free-for-all but Shinomiya lapped the group and in the final stage steadily piled on points with good timing to achieve victory.
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