Fraze exemplificatoare cu get
- Can you get me something to drink? (Îmi găsești ceva de băut?)
- Can you get me to the airport? (Mă poți duce la aeroport?)
- Can you get the book for me? (Îmi poți procura și mie cartea asta?)
- Did you get it? (Ți-ai dat seama?)
- Do you get me? (Înțelegi ce vreau să spun?)
- Don't you think you may get it! (Șterge-te pe bot!)
- Don't you wish you may get it! (Șterge-te pe bot!)
- Go get it yourself. (Du-te și ia-ți singur!)
- Gut no fish till you get them. (Nu vinde piele vulpii înainte de a o prinde.)
- He could not get any supper. (N-a putut face rost de nimic pentru cină.)
- He could not get leave. (El n-a putut obține învoirea.)
- He is famous today but it took him a long time to get there. (E el faimos astăzi, dar s-a căznit mult până să izbutească.)
- He wants to get his money back. (El vrea să i se restituie banii.)
- Her childish behaviour really get to me. (Purtarea ei neserioasă mă calcă pe nervi.)
- How long does it take to get to the station? (Cât timp îmi ia ca să ajung în stație?)
- I can't get it down. (Îmi stă în gât.)
- I can't get my ring off. (Nu-mi pot scoate inelul.)
- I can't get that into his head. (Nu-l pot face să țină minte asta.)
- I could not get all his speech down. (Nu i-am putut nota tot discursul.)
- I couldn't get in a word edgeways. (Cu niciun chip nu puteam plasa vreun cuvânt.)
- I don't get you. (Nu te înțeleg.)
- I had some trouble to get you. (Te-am căutat de multe ori până să te găsesc.)
- I have to get a new computer. (Trebuie să îmi iau un alt calculator.)
- I just don't get him. (Pur și simplu nu-l înțeleg.)
- I managed to get in. (Am reușit să intru.)
- I must get a new hat. (Trebuie să-mi cumpăr o pălărie nouă.)
- I shall get my feet wet. (Am să mă ud la picioare.)
- I wish you may get it! (Să dea Dumnezeu!)
- I'll get it. (Răspund eu.)
- I'll get my own back on you! (Ți-o plătesc eu!)
- I'm going to get a haircut. (Mă duc să mă tund.)
- I'm going to get my hair cut. (Mă duc să mă tund.)
- If you eat too much you get fat. (Dacă mănânci prea mult, o să te îngrași.)
- It will take you nothing less than two hours to get there. (O să-ți ia mai puțin de două ore să ajungi acolo.)
- One can't get blood out of a stone. (Nu poți scoate lapte din piatră seacă.)
- She didn't get the joke. (Ea n-a înțeles poanta.)
- She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight. (Ea nu a apucat să ajungă la Chicago până după miezul nopții.)
- She likes to get about a great deal. (Îi place să iasă în lume.)
- She will get hell for this behaviour! (Ea o să dea de dracu cu comportamentul ăsta!)
- That play didn't really get me. (N-aș spune că piesa m-a captat chiar așa de mult.)
- The chalet is difficult to get at. (E greu de ajuns la cabană.)
- The operator couldn't get Kobe because of the earthquake. (Centralistul nu a putut stabili legătura cu Kobe din cauza cutremurului.)
- There you get me! (Aici m-ai înfundat!)
- They couldn't get the fortress. (N-au putut pune mâna pe cetate.)
- This car is the very devil to get started. (A naibii mașină, nu vrea deloc să pornească.)
- We can get it for you. (Îți procurăm noi asta.)
- We get 9.5 as the average. (Obținem media 9,5.)
- We get at cross purposes. (Vorbim de lucruri diferite.)
- We get our things of Gamage's. (Noi cumpărăm de la magazinul universal Gamage.)
- We must get the trunk back to the garret. (Trebuie să urcăm cufărul înapoi la mansardă.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu get
- My main takeaway was that people appear to be getting married at an older age, and as you get into the older age groups, the percentages for people who have married at least once are in the high 90s.
- Easy! Work for Howard Stern, and get him to get Biz Stone to do it.
- You can get a good idea of how it works by looking at this YouTube video.
- Peak oil also leads directly to a crisis of capital (money), because a nation (an economy) that can't get increasing energy "inputs," can't create more wealth, can't generate more loans (debt), and most importantly can't expect what .
- In the time it took that store to finally get off the ground, I left Arkansas for Australia, moved to Japan, then to Texas, and finally over to California.
- Read our PlayStation 3 news of PS Plus members get SOCOM beta access.
- The upcoming iPhone 5 could get a new Media Stream feature that takes advantage of Apple's new data center in North Carolina, as well as MobileMe Connect.
- People in the developing world are younger, their countries grow faster, and they are beginning to get acquainted with online services that they might be faithful to for life.
- An infusion of young, Immigrant citizens (workers to be blunt) are what stands between America and a very bleak future, so we had better get used to the idea of welcoming newcomers to our shores who share our values, work ethic and .
- 5 Responses to Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles get a new home.
- If you'd prefer to get out of the house and into the gym, the SurfShelf could be just what you need.
- At the major expat units, you will often be able to make arrangements for treatments without prepaying all the time, but if you can get yourself to a hospital that takes direct pay from your insurance company, then you can avoid any .
- You want to get on stage and speak professionally.
- I'd get the steering wheel for this game as an arcade-style fun game and GT5 for more of the sim stuff.
- If you'd like to get a free copy of my first book, The Macintosh Way, just go here.
- "I do get discouraged," Obama replied, according to the transcript of the full interview.
- Another example, diesel giant BMW (60% of European sales) would love to bring a diesel Mini to the US, due to it's phenomenal fuel economy, but they can't get it to pass emissions.
- Those of us in the Twin Cities that watch Monday Night Football will get a reminder that Republicans are fighting for the opportunity to represent Minneapolis and St.
- Using his uncanny ability to get people to write him checks .
- "If we get to a point where the Fed has managed to stimulate a reasonable level of inflation again in the US, where you have CPI around 1.
- Sensing correctly that there are some prospective purchasers of the Xbox 360 S not happy with its glossy black colour scheme, custom electronics firm Colorware are reminding the world that you can get a new 360 in its "classic" shade of .
- Because after Argentina's 4-0 disaster against Germany, I didn't expect the albiceleste players or coach Diego Maradona to get a particularly pleasant welcome home to Buenos Aires.
- If you have a pair of 3D glasses in the house, go get 'em, then settle in and see what it'll look like when Nintendo starts to raid its back catalogue and re-release old classics on the 3DS.
- Hate to say this, but you will never get a DS into a classroom that doesn't have kids playing games on them or is heavily modified past the point it's classified as a 'DS'.
- Democrats, you should get it in writing! Posted by TobyToons (Profile).
- Get the cameras into the House Rules Committee hearing room Updated.
- I have a feeling I'll get downvoted for this.
- I wrote a post a while back about How to Get Rich.
- Trying to bulldog the Republicans in with promises of future revisions to get what they want ain't gonna happen.
- A number of blogs and media outlets are reporting that Kornheiser has been suspended for a few days, though the question probably should be what exactly Kornheiser would have to do to get fired.
- Read our Get Peggle Nights for free News for PC.
- Wilkinson didn't get the finger.
- They both get bored with apps at the same time, and they both use the same types of apps.
- However, with the volume that Google can drive for any particular search term, it can be quite beneficial to get ranked within Google's latest results section.
- Get your cowboy on with these Red Dead Redemption screens.
- To get everything you want and need you should have money.
- Iran's Script to Get the Bomb.
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