Fraze exemplificatoare cu foundation
- The foundation shall be non-profit making. (Fundația este un organism fără scop lucrativ.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Without question, reading has been the foundation of whatever success I've had in my life. (Fără îndoială, piatra de temelie a oricărei reușite este învățătura.) - Hugh McColl Jr.
- Their friendship has a strong foundation: the same enemy. (Prietenia sa are o bază foarte consistentă: un dușman comun.) - Hasier Agirre
- High standards are the foundation for great achievement. (Standardele înalte sunt fundamentul pentru o mare realizare.) - Akasha Garnier
- Never lie to each other. Lies break trust and trust is the foundation of a strong marriage. (Nu vă mințiți niciodată unul pe celălalt. Minciunile distrug încrederea și încrederea este fundația unei căsnicii puternice.) - Dave Willis
Alte exemple de fraze cu foundation
- The rumor has no foundation.
- The rumor was without foundation.
- Your idea has no foundation at all.
- The rumor was completely without foundation.
- The rumor had no foundation in fact.
- This house has a solid foundation.
- The foundation is bedded in concrete.
- The foundation of free nations is democracy.
- The foundation of a college was her great ambition.
- It was Socrates who laid the foundation of logic.
- She lives at the Gorilla Foundation in California.
- The association has excluded amateurs ever since its foundation.
- Our company had the fortieth anniversary of the foundation.
- Students have a holiday on Foundation Day.
- As the Little House settled down on her new foundation, she smiled happily.
- Hundreds of people called or wrote to the Gorilla Foundation.
- Modern civilization rests on a foundation of science and education.
- A house is built on top of a solid foundation of cement.
- Well, I didn't buy them, but later someone brought three baby kittens to the Gorilla Foundation.
- Researchers at the Gorilla Foundation have to spell out words like c-a-n-d-y and g-u-m when Koko is nearby.
- It is foolish of you to build a castle in the air while forgetting to drive in pilings for its foundation.
- The Mozilla Foundation released the latest version of its email/news-client software, "Thunderbird" on May 1st.
Exemple din articole cu foundation
- Skoll Foundation Announces New Investments in Leading Global Innovators PR Newswire PALO ALTO, Calif.
- The Born Free Foundation team arrived in Addis.
- The Community Foundation is currently accepting scholarship applications from seniors attending high schools in Staunton, Waynesboro, Augusta and Nelson.
- A hand grenade was thrown into the compound of the Gen Prem Tinsulanonda Foundation last night, a police source says.
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