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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu Flats
- A row of old houses is being destroyed to make way for new flats.
- They had been living where they could, sharing flats and baths, and kitchens, for some years.
- Rows of houses, each of them different and pleasing with their spacious gardens, are replaced by purely functional blocks of flats which have nothing more to commend them than over-praised 'modern conveniences'.
- From time to time, a proposal to pull down a much-loved old building to make room for a new block of flats, raises a storm of angry protest.
Exemple din articole cu Flats
- Extreme Pie is probably the ideal choice to buy Ladies Etnies Flats Flip Flops Purple Gum.
- Kate Spade Flats on Sale.
- These HDB Flats are well ventilated and equipped with floor landing for every floor level for the lifts.
- I just bought a pink pair of flats in Zara and they are sooooo comfortable! Taking off my winter musketeer boots doubled the efforts of Tom Cruise in Mission impossible, but the moment I wore those little pink things, I started dreaming .
- Leeuwarden flats Vrijheidswijk 2 by Erik'44.
- Cape Flats ready for its close-up.
- A father, mother and her son who plunged to their deaths from a block of flats had their application for asylum from Canada rejected by UK authorities, it was claimed tonight.
- Brno, March 10 (CTK) - Applicants for municipal flats in the Czech Republic are often discriminated against on the grounds of race, ethnicity, sex and state citizenship, though the anti-discriminatory law explicitly bans such approach, .
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