Fraze exemplificatoare cu family
- He always has his family in tow. (Își trage întotdeauna familia după el.)
- My family are early risers. (Ai mei se scoală devreme.)
- The integration of family members should be promoted. (Integrarea membrilor familiei ar trebui promovată.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Blood relatives often have nothing to do with family, and similarly, family is about who you choose to make your life with. (Deseori rudele de sânge nu au nimic de-a face cu familia și, similar, familia sunt cei pe care tu îi alegi să-ți trăiești viața cu ei.) - Oliver Hudson
- My family is like a sanctuary to me. I always turn to them for support and strength. I take comfort in knowing no matter which path I choose, my family stands behind me. (Familia este ca un sanctuar pentru mine. Întotdeauna mă întorc la ei să mă sprijine și să îmi dea putere. Mă liniștește să știu că indiferent pe ce cale aș apuca-o, familia mea vine din urmă.) - Benjamin Bratt
- It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. (Este o mișcare de tip socialist, anti-familie care le încurajează pe femei să-și părăsească soții, să-și omoare copiii, să practice vrăjitoria, să distrugă capitalismul și să devină lesbiene.) - Pat Robertson
- A married man with a family will do anything for money. (Un bărbat însurat, care are o familie, va face orice pentru bani.) - Talleyrand
- Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city. (Fericirea înseamnă să ai o familie mare, iubitoare, grijulie, închegată, care să locuiască într-un alt oraș.) - George Burns
- Having a holiday weekend without a family member felt like putting on a sweater that had an extra arm. (Să-ți petreci sărbătorile împreună cu cei dragi, dar unul dintre ei să lipsească, e ca și cum ai purta un pulover cu o mânecă în plus.) - Pamela Ribon
- The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found. (Cel mai remarcabil lucru în legătură cu mama mea este că, timp de treizeci de ani, a servit familiei la masă doar resturi de mâncare. Felul de mâncare inițial n-a fost niciodată găsit.) - Calvin Trillin
- Once you agree upon the price you and your family must pay for success, it enables you to ignore the minor hurts, the opponent's pressure, and the temporary failures. (Din momentul în care cazi de acord asupra prețului pe care tu și familia ta trebuie să-l plătiți pentru succes, ți se permite să treci cu vederea lovituri minore, presiunea oponentului și eșecurile temporare.) - Vince Lombardi
- Happy is said to be the family which can eat onions together. They are, for the time being, separate, from the world, and have a harmony of aspiration. (Se zice că membrii unei familii care pot să mănânce ceapă laolaltă sunt fericiți. Pentru moment, ei sunt separați de lume, iar aspirațiile lor sunt în armonie.) - Charles Dudley Warner
- The story of my boyhood and that of my brothers is important only because it could happen in any American family. It did, and will again. (Povestea copilăriei mele și a fraților mei este importantă doar în măsura în care s-ar putea întâmpla în orice familie din America. S-a întâmplat și se va mai întâmpla.) - Earl Eisenhower
Alte exemple de fraze cu family
- Please say hello to your family.
- How is it going with your family?
- We are a family of five.
- Please tell me about you and your family.
- All my family is very well.
- His whole family is like that.
- You must think of your family.
- I have a family.
- My family are all well.
- My family are all very well.
- It's for my family.
- Tell me something about your family.
- We are a family of four.
- May I ask about your family?
- How is your family?
- I know his family.
- He provides for his family.
- How's your family?
- How about your family?
- His family are all very well.
- Do you have a family?
- I have four in my family.
- How's it going with your family?
- Theirs is an old family.
- My family is an old one.
- What do you think happened to our family?
- My family are all athletic.
- We must keep up the family traditions.
- Even in our family not all of us are of the same race.
- We've already had a family commitment.
- My family is not very large.
- We want to have a large family.
- All are happy in my family.
- My family is a large one.
- There are four members in my family.
- There are four people in my family.
- My family liked the dog very much.
- I have no family to provide for.
- My family is small.
- We are acquainted with his family.
- I went camping with my family.
- I read it to my family.
- I sustain my family.
- Your family should come before your career.
- The family love one another.
- Here is a photograph of my family.
- This is where my family used to live.
- It is I who am head of this family.
- This is a picture of my family.
- Please remember me to all your family.
- Please remember me to your family.
- Did you bring your family with you?
- John cannot keep his family.
- There is enough here to feed the whole family.
- Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much.
- I am very grateful to you for what you've done for my family.
- Which comes first, your career or your family?
- Support one's family.
- Give my best regards to all your family.
- We are all looking forward to seeing your family.
- Your family must be very nice.
- How do you spell your family name?
- You have to protect your family.
- How large is your family?
- The family seemed to under a curse.
- I have a large family.
- He misses his family.
- They are very thick with our family.
- He is the baby of the family.
- He has a large family.
- He is proud of his family.
- He sometimes ate out with his family.
- How many people are there in your family?
- He was soon accepted into the family.
- He has a family to provide for.
- He abandoned his family.
- He took a photograph of the family.
- He lives apart from his family.
- Her family is very large.
- She was impatient to see her family.
- Please send my regards to your family.
- When she awoke, the family was there.
- If you should die, what would become of your family?
- My family comes before my career.
- A father provides for his family.
- She comes of a good family.
- She comes from a good family.
- She talked about her family.
- She gets up the earliest in my family.
- She boasts of her family.
- She supports her family.
- He has left his family.
- He is an honor to his family.
- He took leave of the family.
- Watanabe is my family name.
- We are looking forward to seeing you and your family.
- I'm the youngest in the family.
- I'm looking forward to seeing you and your family.
- I am the first musician in my family.
- I took a picture of my family.
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