Fraze exemplificatoare cu ERROR
- That error should be corrected. (Această greșeală trebuie corectată.)
- That error should therefore be corrected. (Prin urmare, această eroare ar trebui rectificată.)
- The error of the gas meter is not taken into account. (Nu se ține seama de eroarea contorului de gaz.)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu ERROR
- If it had not been for his error, we would have won.
- You had better not repeat such an error.
- Don't blame him for the error.
- Many a man has made the same error.
- You made an error.
- He is in error about the matter.
- Hating myself for my own error.
- There might have been an error during transmission.
- He made an error, as he often does.
- We felt sorry for the error.
- Everybody laughed at his error.
- An error was made.
- At last, he realized his error.
- He was in error in assuming that she would come to see him.
- We must concede that we committed an error.
- We learn by trial and error.
- ERROR: No message body!
- His error brought the project to nothing.
- In believing him to be an honest man, I was seriously in error.
- I view his error as insignificant.
- Have you allowed for any error in your calculation?
- I assure you that an error like this will never happen again.
- The typist tried to erase the error.
- It was a manifest error of judgement.
- Without the error, our team could have won the game.
- He is laboring under a great error.
- We left a margin for error in our estimates.
- Trial and error is essential to progress.
- This is an error common among Japanese students.
- The computer can detect 200 types of error.
- We recently discovered an error in your personnel record.
- The accident was caused by the error on the part of the driver.
- Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.
- Accident was caused by an error on the part of the driver.
- Finding a solution that worked was a process of trial and error.
- When I try to listen to music with media player there's an error and I can't play the file.
- If a very large amount of memory is installed an 'insufficient memory' error message is displayed.
- In the case of patient death during the course of medical treatment, even if there is medical error present, it is not automatically legally considered to be an "unusual death."
Exemple din articole cu ERROR
- How to check ORA-07445 ORA-00600 Error information ORA-07445 and ORA-00600 is the system internal error, generally caused due to BUG, to solve or avoid these errors on the general need to check metalink.
- Some of you might have noticed the annoying 1604, 1600 error when restoring to iOS 4 custom firmware in Tunes which built using PwnageTool 4.
- Log error messages to files.
- The issue appears to pop up as an Out of Storage error for players running World of Warcraft on a 64-bit OS.
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