Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple de fraze cu ELIMINATE
- We tried to eliminate all danger beforehand.
- It is important to eliminate the social unrest.
- Does a uniform eliminate class difference?
- We can eliminate C and D since they are irrelevant to the generation of the arcs.
- The Clinton camp became desperate to eliminate the white votes Obama had got in both states.
- Boeing's safety experts have joined others in the industry to form an international task force to try to eliminate one particular kind of air crash known as controlled flight into terrain, CFIT.
- If mankind doesn't take care of the environment, the environment may eliminate mankind.
Exemple din articole cu ELIMINATE
- French Deputies ban marriage in attempt to eliminate domestic violence.
- Eliminate Debt Without Filing Bankruptcy It is absolutely possible to legally eliminate debt without filing bankruptcy.
- It is not necessary that an arbitration forum be a non-profit, although having such a status could eliminate some bias and appearance of bias.
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