Fraze exemplificatoare cu Delight
- Censorious people delight in casting blame. (Oamenilor necruțători le place să arunce vina pe unul și pe altul.)
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Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu Delight
- The boy exclaimed in delight.
- To her delight, she got through the examination.
- Dancing is a delight to me.
- She was beaming with delight.
- Such was her delight that she fainted.
- Cooking is her delight.
- He grinned with delight.
- To my great delight joy, he won the first prize.
- She went mad with delight to hear the news.
- She was kicking up her heels with delight.
- He took delight in teasing the kitten.
- My grandchildren give me such a delight.
- Such was her delight that she began to dance.
- To see the sunrise from a mountaintop is a delight.
- The crowd yelled with delight.
- Great was our delight when we won the game.
- The gifts will delight the children.
- He took delight in talking with friends.
- Delight is the opposite of sorrow.
- Great was the delight of his parents.
- Her delight consists of teaching children.
- For instance, "delight" is the opposite of "sorrow."
- Children delight in comic books.
- The boy was bright-eyed with delight at the present.
- I read your new book with real delight.
- I delight in going to the apple orchard each fall.
- The sight sent chills of delight up my spine.
- God appointed blue to be an everlasting source of delight.
- The simple perception of natural forms is a delight.
- Censorious people delight in casting blame.
- Grandmother takes a great delight in watching television.
- My brother takes great delight in his stamp collection.
Exemple din articole cu Delight
- Scandinavian delight - the CDs! Funny how similar the CD sleeves look this year - with the exception of Finland that goes its own way once again.
- Music festival set to delight and entertain - IT was intended as a shining light of hope during the dark days of world war.
- Wild Weather delight focuses on Radar (Sapulpa Daily Herald).
- Wild Weather delight focuses on Radar.
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