Fraze exemplificatoare cu COMMON
- This common position will be kept under constant review. (Prezenta poziție comună este revizuită periodic.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- Common sense is not so common. (Bunul simț nu prea se face simțit.) - Voltaire
- It's counter to common sense, but common sense is only based on a very small subset of the universe. (Este contrar bunului simț, dar bunul simț este bazat numai pe o mică parte din elementele universului.) - Ian J. Davenport
- Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh. (Pentru cei care îmi plac sau îi admir, nu pot găsi un numitor comun, dar pentru cei pe care îi iubesc, am găsit unul: toți mă fac să râd.) - Wystan Hugh Auden
- The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind. (Cea mai răspândită dintre toate nebuniile este să crezi cu pasiune în ceea ce este clar neadevărat. Este principala ocupație a omenirii.) - H.L. Mencken
- Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense. (Zeii sunt lucruri fragile; îi poate ucide o rafală de știință sau o doză de bun simț.) - Chapman Cohen
- Pride is a spiritual Cancer: It eats up the very possibility of love, or contentment, or even common sense. (Mândria este un cancer al sufletului: distruge posibilitatea iubirii, sau a fericirii sau chiar a bunului simț.) - C.S. Lewis
- Life in common among people who love each other is the ideal of happiness. (Viața obișnuită printre oameni care se iubesc este idealul fericirii.) - George Sand
- Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. (Democrația este teoria conform căreia oamenii știu ceea ce vor și o merită din plin.) - H.L. Mencken
- Common sense is instinct, and enough of it is genius. (Bunul-simț înseamnă instinct și mult bun-simț înseamnă geniu.) - Josh Billings
- Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done. (Bunul simț înseamnă talentul de a vedea lucrurile așa cum sunt și de a face lucrurile așa cum ar trebui făcute.) - C.E. Stowe
Alte exemple de fraze cu COMMON
- It is quite common for him to say so.
- I have nothing in common with her.
- I and you have something in common.
- They have nothing in common.
- They have something in common with each other.
- We have nothing in common.
- They have something in common.
- I have nothing in common with him.
- Is that a common name?
- It has become quite common.
- I have much in common with him.
- He has nothing in common with her as to their tastes.
- That's common sense.
- He don't have anything in common at all.
- Such an event is quite common here.
- This does not mean that they have nothing in common with other peoples.
- Is this word in common use?
- This word is not in common use.
- This is what they have in common with other peoples.
- They have a lot something in common.
- These implements are in common use.
- They have a common hobby.
- He has no common sense.
- Such incidents are quite common.
- It's a common mistake.
- But we don't have much in common.
- Let no one appropriate a common benefit.
- My brother has much in common with me.
- We have absolutely nothing in common.
- Who that has common sense can believe it?
- They don't have anything in common at all.
- The two premiers had nothing in common.
- Tom and I have nothing in common.
- He is lacking in common sense.
- Nobody that has any common sense would think of doing such nonsense.
- The garden is common to the two houses.
- Japanese has something in common with Korean.
- He is wanting in common sense.
- Who that has common sense can believe such a thing?
- It is quite common for women to go out to work.
- I use the room in common with my sister.
- Who, that has common sense, would do such a thing?
- It is a common saying that thought is free.
- He is not your common doting parent.
- He is devoid of common sense.
- It is common for children to cause trouble.
- Studying abroad is very common now.
- He must be lacking in common sense.
- He lacks common sense.
- Ben and I don't get along. we have nothing in common.
- There is no cure for the common cold.
- Franklin was known for his common sense.
- What is the common language in Peru?
- Mary is in want of common sense.
- She is lacking in common sense.
- Does he have general common sense?
- She lacks common sense.
- She is devoid of common sense.
- These are common diseases of children.
- We have a lot of sympathies in common.
- Divorce is becoming more common nowadays.
- You and I are good friends, but we have little in common.
- Although they are twins, they have few interests in common.
- They have nothing in common with the older generation.
- Mischief is common to most children.
- He is a common sort of man.
- When did the word "biotechnology" come into common use?
- The two languages have a lot in common.
- The rumor became common property.
- They are bound together by common interests.
- The park is common property.
- That is the common occurrence in Japan.
- I think the love of money is common to us all.
- A common theme underlies both perspectives.
- Murders are very common in big cities.
- The enjoyment of traveling is common to almost all people.
- In common with many people he likes holidays.
- The common language of many Asians is English.
- The Japanese have a lot in common with the Chinese.
- He differs from the common run of student.
- To do him justice, he is a man of common sense.
- Though he is very learned, he lacks common sense.
- I cannot understand why they are such good friends: they have little in common.
- He cannot afford the common comforts of life.
- The government should promote common welfare.
- A man of common sense would never do such a thing.
- As a rule, twins have a lot in common.
- Music is a common speech for humanity.
- The common state of this matter is solid.
- In my understanding, those two experiments do not have common factors.
- Isolation is the common lot of man.
- In Japan bowing is common courtesy.
- In other words, you should doubt common sense.
- The communication of news by TV and radio is very common now.
- This is an error common among Japanese students.
- Love of money is common to all men.
- I think that knowledge without common sense counts for nothing.
- Experience will teach you common sense.
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little.
- Knowledge without common sense counts for nothing.
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