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- I'll take my chances with you.
- The chances are that he will win.
- The chances are two to one against us.
- The chances are even.
- It's even chances that he will get well.
- Don't take chances.
- The chances are that he is still in bed.
- The chances are that she is still in bed.
- The chances are that you will find him.
- The chances are that he'll be beaten.
- The chances are that she'll quit her job.
- The chances are that she will win the game.
- We tried to make the most of our chances.
- I tried to make the most of my chances.
- The chances are that he will succeed.
- Chances are that I will be late for work.
- He took a lot of chances in order to survive.
- Life is full of chances.
- The chances are that it will rain today.
- The chances are he will be able to win a Nobel prize.
- I can assure you that chances are in your favor.
- The chances of victory or defeat are even.
- Bridges are burning and chances are few.
- Chances come rarely in any case.
- It chances that he is off duty today.
- The chances are that the bill will be rejected.
- The chances are that you can pass the test.
- Come on, take it easy. Chances are in your favor.
- The chances are that he has not heard the news yet.
- The chances are he's already heard the news.
- The chances are very good that our team will win.
- She has no chances of coming in contact with foreigners.
- The chances are that the boss may send you to California.
- Chances of promotion are slim in this firm.
- Take it easy. I can assure you that chances are in your favor.
- The teacher was quite candid about my chances of entering Tokyo University.
- Americans, on the other hand, are more likely to take chances in the hope of achieving great success.
- The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the ropes, and also has more funds at his disposal.
- Boeing has calculated the chances of a series of crew errors leading to CFIT.
- The following day, however, the doctor consoled him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.
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