Fraze exemplificatoare cu BOOK
- Can you get the book for me? (Îmi poți procura și mie cartea asta?)
- He's in the book but doesn't know what page he's on. (E priceput dar nu e prea deștept.)
- I bought this book at second hand. (Am cumpărat această carte de ocazie.)
- I have to give back the book before Saturday. (Trebuie să returnez cartea până sâmbătă.)
- I read a book while eating. (Citesc o carte în timp ce mănânc.)
- The book enjoyed quite a favourable reception. (Cartea s-a bucurat de o primire favorabilă.)
- The book is rich in information. (Cartea abundă în informații.)
- The book of forms are in two parts. (Registrul de formulare are două părți.)
- The book ought to be in the other room. (Cartea ar trebui să fie în cealaltă cameră.)
- This book has a history. (E o poveste cu cartea asta.)
- This is your book and that is mine. (Asta e cartea ta și aceea e a mea.)
- You are welcome to any book in my library. (Puteți folosi orice carte din biblioteca mea.)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listAlte exemple de fraze cu BOOK
- Because a certain book does not interest readers, it does not follow that the fault lies in the book.
- I bought an English book, but the book was hard to understand.
- My uncle gave me a book yesterday. This is the book.
- This book is not only more instructive but more interesting than that book.
- Which is easier, this book or that book?
- This book is as interesting as that book.
- This book isn't as interesting as that book.
- Is this book yours?
- Any book will do.
- Which is your book?
- He got the book for nothing.
- She took her book.
- Where did she buy a book?
- You can take either book.
- What did you do with my book?
- Which book is better?
- Which is your book, this one or that one?
- Where's my book?
- Where is my book?
- Whoever wants the book may have it.
- Anybody who wants this book can be given it.
- What do you think about the book?
- Which book is yours?
- Where does this book go?
- This book has a certain value.
- Perhaps I'll like this book.
- He has a book.
- This is the only book I have.
- The other day I come across a book that you might like.
- What is the book?
- Please buy me this book.
- Get that book for me.
- She has a book under her arm.
- This book is much more useful than that one.
- Whose is this book?
- Are you through with the book?
- May I have this book?
- This book is above me.
- I want a book.
- This book is hers.
- What is the book about?
- This book should help you a lot.
- This book may well be useful to you.
- This book is new.
- This book was new.
- He has more book than I do.
- He took his book.
- Is this book yours?
- He put aside the book.
- This book is old.
- Where did you buy that book?
- If you have done with that book, I'd like to have it.
- This book is above me.
- This book is far above me.
- You may take the book.
- How old this book is!
- I got this book for nothing.
- Put this book on top of the others.
- This book probably won't be all that useful.
- I know him like a book.
- This book can't go into the bag.
- What an old book this is!
- She has to pay for the book.
- You can have this book for nothing.
- This book is very new.
- So I put the book away.
- I was sent this book by her.
- It is a book.
- I like this book best.
- Are you through with this book?
- Where is the book?
- Have you done with the book?
- He was given a book by me.
- This book is quite above me.
- This is a very old book.
- That book is of no use.
- "I want that book", he said to himself.
- This will be the book you're looking for.
- This is my book.
- This is the book which you are looking for.
- Why do you want to buy this book?
- What's my book doing here?
- This book is yours.
- You may keep the book.
- This is a very new book.
- Did you pay for the book?
- Put that book aside for me.
- Whose book is this?
- This will be the book he is looking for.
- Do you need this book?
- This is the very book I have been looking for.
- This is her book.
- This is a book.
- This is your book.
- Whose book is it?
- Here is a book you a looking for.
- Here is a book.
- Whose is that book?
- That book is a new book.
- It was a new book.
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