Fraze exemplificatoare cu grant
- God grant it! (Să dea Dumnezeu!)
- May God grant that! (Să te audă Dumnezeu!)
- The commission may decide not to grant applications. (Comisia poate decide să nu dea curs cererilor.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. (Doamne, dăruiește-mi seninătatea de a accepta lucrurile pe care nu le pot schimba, curajul de a schimba lucrurile ce stau în puterea mea și înțelepciunea de a face diferența dintre ele.) - Reinhold Niebuhr
- Grant us a brief delay; impulse in everything is but a worthless servant. (Oferiți-ne o mică amânare; impulsul, în orice, nu e nimic altceva decât un servitor inutil.) - Caecilius Statius
- If Fred Astaire is the Cary Grant of dance, I'm the Marlon Brando. (Dacă Fred Astaire este Cary Grant al dansului, atunci eu sunt Marlon Brando.) - Gene Kelly
Alte exemple de fraze cu grant
- He will grant permission for you to go out.
- I will grant that you are right on this point.
- We would appreciate it if you grant us this concession.
- I got a grant for my tuition.
- Even if I grant that what you say is true, it is no excuse.
- We would like to know if you can grant us a special discount.
- The troops fought with Grant against the Confederates.
- He found it difficult to live on his student grant.
- Are you able to grant us a special discount of 5% for 50 sets of the product?
- God grant that you come home safe and sound.
- I have kept available the afternoon of the 20th and the 21st, and would like to know if Mr Grant will be available for a meeting on either of those two days.
- We would be prepared to grant you a special discount of 5% for the quantity of 10 sets of STL#3456.
- We will grant you a special discount of 5% provided that you could guarantee placing regular orders.
- Octal paid a large grant for the researchers to carry out some market research.
Exemple din articole cu grant
- Family members of Oscar Grant are denouncing a settlement BART made with the mother of Oscar's daughter, Tatiana.
- Arlington Lamar's Kristen Grant broke two school scoring records.
- Portsmouth manager Avram Grant has been handed an FA charge of improper conduct relating to his behaviour during the 1-1 draw with Sunderland at Fratton.
- Grant charged by FA - Avram Grant has been charged by the FA with improper conduction following his clash with referee Kevin Friend.
- The Football Association have charged Portsmouth manager Avram Grant with improper conduct for confronting referee Kevin Friend at half-time during the - draw with Sunderland on Tuesday.
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