Citate exemplificatoare
- I think anytime you can affect people in general, in a positive way, then you're a lucky individual. (Cred că ești o persoană norocoasă de fiecare dată când poți influența oamenii în sens pozitiv.) - Sam Elliott
Exemple de fraze cu affect
- Smoking affect health.
- Have a bad affect on the stomach.
- That student sometimes affect illness.
- We must not allow these problems to affect the project.
- Is this in fact going to affect their relationships?
- This article will affect my thinking.
- Especially it is not ignored how the divorce will affect children's mind.
- Your attendance will affect your final grade.
- This bad weather will affect the crops.
- His old age is beginning to affect his eyesight.
- Will the strike affect the price of coal?
- Does the amount of rain affect the growth of crops?
- The introduction of the new tax is expected to affect the entire economy.
- To no one's surprise, loud noise has been proved to affect one's sense of hearing.
- This result means, contrary to prior expectations, that the number of variants does not affect the processing speed.
- This group passes out information on such things as travel and health care, and encourages its members to vote on issues that affect this age group such as legislation regulating the insurance industry, medical care and housing.
Exemple din articole cu affect
- A lot of things may perhaps affect the growth of your hive.
- I will be applying to a lot of UCs next year and I was wondering how much it is going to affect my chances considering that it was not a required course and that i already have all of my a-g requirements done.
- Mental Health issues often affect women in different ways to men.
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