dictionar roman englez

a fi pe drumul cel bun - to tread the right course

Persoana I-a singulareu sunt pe drumul cel bunI tread the right course
I am treading the right course
I'm treading the right course

I have been treading the right course
I've been treading the right course
Persoana a II-a singulartu ești pe drumul cel bunyou tread the right course
you are treading the right course
you're treading the right course

you have been treading the right course
you've been treading the right course
Persoana a III-a singularel/ea este pe drumul cel bunhe/she/it treads the right course
he/she/it is treading the right course
he's/she's/it's treading the right course

he/she/it has been treading the right course
he's/she's/it's been treading the right course
Persoana I-a pluralnoi suntem pe drumul cel bunwe tread the right course
we are treading the right course
we're treading the right course

we have been treading the right course
we've been treading the right course
Persoana a II-a pluralvoi sunteți pe drumul cel bunyou tread the right course
you are treading the right course
you're treading the right course

you have been treading the right course
you've been treading the right course
Persoana a III-a pluralei/ele sunt pe drumul cel bunthey tread the right course
they are treading the right course
they're treading the right course

they have been treading the right course
they've been treading the right course

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