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dictionar roman englez

a risca - to toss heads or tails

Persoana I-a singulareu riscI toss heads or tails
I am tossing heads or tails
I'm tossing heads or tails

I have been tossing heads or tails
I've been tossing heads or tails
Persoana a II-a singulartu ri�tiyou toss heads or tails
you are tossing heads or tails
you're tossing heads or tails

you have been tossing heads or tails
you've been tossing heads or tails
Persoana a III-a singularel/ea risc�he/she/it tosses heads or tails
he/she/it is tossing heads or tails
he's/she's/it's tossing heads or tails

he/she/it has been tossing heads or tails
he's/she's/it's been tossing heads or tails
Persoana I-a pluralnoi risc�mwe toss heads or tails
we are tossing heads or tails
we're tossing heads or tails

we have been tossing heads or tails
we've been tossing heads or tails
Persoana a II-a pluralvoi risca�iyou toss heads or tails
you are tossing heads or tails
you're tossing heads or tails

you have been tossing heads or tails
you've been tossing heads or tails
Persoana a III-a pluralei/ele risc�they toss heads or tails
they are tossing heads or tails
they're tossing heads or tails

they have been tossing heads or tails
they've been tossing heads or tails

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