dictionar roman englez

a considera important - to make a point of

Persoana I-a singulareu am considerat importantI made a point of
I have made a point of
I've made a point of
Persoana a II-a singulartu ai considerat importantyou made a point of
you have made a point of
you've made a point of
Persoana a III-a singularel/ea a considerat importanthe/she/it made a point of
he/she/it has made a point of
he's/she's/it's made a point of
Persoana I-a pluralnoi am considerat importantwe made a point of
we have made a point of
we've made a point of
Persoana a II-a pluralvoi ați considerat importantyou made a point of
you have made a point of
you've made a point of
Persoana a III-a pluralei/ele au considerat importantthey made a point of
they have made a point of
they've made a point of

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