dictionar roman englez

a cufunda - to bury

Persoana I-a singulareu voi cufunda
eu o să cufund
I shall bury
I will bury
I'll bury

I shall be burying
I will be burying
I'll be burying

I am burying
I'm burying
Persoana a II-a singulartu vei cufunda
tu o să cufunzi
you will bury
you'll bury

you will be burying
you'll be burying

you are burying
you're burying
Persoana a III-a singularel/ea va cufunda
el/ea o să cufunde
he/she/it will bury
he'll/she'll/it'll bury

he/she/it will be burying
he'll/she'll/it'll be burying

he/she/it is burying
he's/she's/it's burying
Persoana I-a pluralnoi vom cufunda
noi o să cufundăm
we shall bury
we will bury
we'll bury

we shall be burying
we will be burying
we'll be burying

we are burying
we're burying
Persoana a II-a pluralvoi veți cufunda
voi o să cufundați
you will bury
you'll bury

you will be burying
you'll be burying

you are burying
you're burying
Persoana a III-a pluralei/ele vor cufunda
ei/ele o să cufunde
they will bury
they'll bury

they will be burying
they'll be burying

they are burying
they're burying

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