dictionar roman englez


cosoroabe din oțel inoxidabil wall plates made of stainless steel
dioxid de sulf total total sulphur dioxide
dioxid de titan titanium dioxide
hidroxid hydrate
inoxidabil rustless
inoxidabil rustproof
inoxidabil stainless
peroxid peroxide
peroxid de zinc zinc peroxide
Proba se prelevează cu metanol oxidat. The sample is extracted with acidified methanol.
sârme din oțel inoxidabil sau alte aliaje de oțel wire of stainless steel or other alloy steel
Se recomandă utilizarea oțelului inoxidabil. The use of stainless steel is recommended.
Soluția obținută este supusă oxidării alcaline. The solution obtained is subjected to alkaline oxidation.
trioxid de sulf solubil în apă water-soluble sulphur trioxide
trioxid de sulf total total sulphur trioxide
urme de monoxid de carbon traces of carbon monoxide

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