dictionar englez roman

to withdraw

to withdraw devices from the marketsă retragă dispozitivele de pe piață
to withdrawa lua înapoiconjugări
to withdrawa se retrageconjugări
to withdrawa retrageconjugări
to withdraw from businessa se retrage din afacericonjugări
to withdraw into one's shella se retrage în găoacea saconjugări
to withdraw into ones's shella se închide în propria sa găoaceconjugări
to withdraw into ones's shella se închide în turnul său de fildeșconjugări
to withdraw into ones's shella se izola de ceilalți oameniconjugări
to withdraw into oneselfa se retrage în sineconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to withdraw": tar, Tara, Tarah, tare, taro, Tarra, Tarrah, tarry, Tatar, tatter, tawdry, tea tree, Teador, Teadora, tear, tearaway, Teaura, Tedra, teeter, Teodoor, Teodor, Teodora, Teodoro, Tera, Teri, Terra, Terray, Terri, Terrie, terrier, terror, Terry, Terrye, tether, tetra, the ether, the other, the weather, Theadora, theatre, their, Theodor, Theodora, Theodore, theory, there, there are, thiourea, thither, Thor, Thora, three, thro', throe, throw, throwaway, tiara, tidier, tier, tire, tiro, titre, titter, to a hair, to tar, to tarry, to tear, to tear away, to teeter, to the rear, to throw, to throw away, to tier, to tire, to titter, to totter, to tour, to tower, to try, to twitter, to tyre, Tora, Torah, Tore, Torey, Tori, Torie, Torr, Torre, Torrey, Torrie, Torry, Tory, tory, tottery, tour, tower, tray, Tray, Tre, tree, tree-hair, Trey, trio, Troy, troy, true, try, Tudor, Tudora, tutor, tweeter, twitter, Tyrah, tyre, tyro.

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