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dictionar englez roman

to the outside

to the outsidespre exterior
The card issues a challenge to the outside.Cardul emite o intervenţie spre exterior.

Termeni asemănători cu "to the outside": tacit, tack head, tacked, tact, tagged, take it that, take out, takeout, taste, tasty, taught, taxed, taxied, teased, test, test data, tested, testy, text, that is it, the aged, the HS code, the suit, the tackiest, the techiest, the tetchiest, the thickest, the tide goes out, the tide is out, the tidiest, the toughest, the twichiest, they say that, thicket, thickset, thickwitted, thought, thought out, thwacked, ticked, ticket, tickseed, tight, tightwad, tissued, to take a seat, to take a shot, to take a side, to take a sight at, to take a whack at, to take adieu, to take issue with, to take it, to take out, to take out a tooth, to take tea with, to take the head, to take the oath, to take to, to taste, to the good, to the height, to tick out, to tick with, to toast, to tog out, to touch at, to touch wood, to tough it out, to twist, toast, toasted, togged, tossed, touched, toxicity, tucked, Tuesday, tugged, tuxedo, tweaked, twist, twisted, twisty, two-digit, two-sided.

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