dictionar englez roman


to grimacea se strâmbaconjugări
to make grimacesa se schimonosiconjugări
to make grimacesa se strâmbaconjugări
to make grimacesa face grimaseconjugări
to make grimacesa face strâmbăturiconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "grimace": garnish, garnishes, Garwin's, gas range, Gerianna's, Gerianne's, Germain's, Germaine's, Germana's, Germans, Gerome's, Gerriann's, go wrong, Goran's, Graehme's, Graeme's, Graham's, grange, grayness, green house, greengage, greenhouse, greenhouses, greenish, greens, greyness, grooms, growing, grown weak, grunge, Guernsey, Gurumukhi, to garnish, to go wrong, to grow young, to guess wrong.

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