the optional indication of the method of chilling used | indicarea opțională a metodei de răcire folosite | ||||
the weight of the carcase after chilling | greutatea carcasei după răcire |
Termeni asemănători cu "chilli": Cacilia, Cacilie, cackle, Cal, call, calla, Calla, calla lily, Calley, Calli, Callie, callow, Cally, case law, casual, casually, causal, Cayla, Ceccilia, Ceceilia, Cecelia, Cecil, Cecile, Ceciley, Cecilia, Cecilla, Cecily, Ceil, Cele, Celeal, Celia, Celie, cell, Celle, cello, cheekily, Cheslie, Chile, chili, chill, chilly, chisel, Chloe, choke coil, cholla, chuckle, cicely, Cicely, Cicily, Ciel, Clau, claw, clay, Clay, Clea, Cleo, Clio, Clo, Cloe, clue, coal, cockle, cog-wheel, coil, cola, cole, Cole, Collie, Colly, cool, cycle, to cajole, to call, to chill, to chisel, to chuckle, to claw, to cloy, to coil, to cool, to cull, to cycle.
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