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dictionar englez roman

Thank God!

Thank God!Bogdaproste!
Thank God!Mulţumesc lui Dumnezeu!religie
Thank God!Mulţumim lui Dumnezeu!religie
Thank God!Slavă Domnului!religie

Termeni asemănători cu "Thank God!": Tamazight, tanged, tanked, team site, tenacity, thanked, the most, the next day, the tannest, the tensest, the thing is to, the thinnest, the tiniest, the toniest, the utmost, the young idea, time code, timesheet, tinged, titanium oxide, to a nicety, to one's cost, to one's teeth, to the inside, to the utmost, to think ahead, to think out, tomcat, tongue tied, tonight, tonnage seized, twanged, twinged, two-winged.

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