dictionar englez roman


the deduction of rebates and taxesdeducerea rabaturilor, impozitelor și taxelor
total discounts and rebatessuma totală a remiterilor și a rabaturilor
total discounts and rebatesvaloarea totală a reducerilor și rabaturilor

Termeni asemănători cu "Rebate": rabbit, rabid, raft, raped, rapid, rapidity, rapped, rapt, rarefied, raved, reaped, reboot, rebooted, rebuffed, refit, refitted, refuted, reified, repaid, repeat, repeated, repudiated, repute, reputed, reviewed, revived, ribbed, RIFed, riffed, rift, rifted, ripped, ripped out, riptide, rived, rivet, riveted, robbed, robot, roofed, roved, rubbed, rubbed out, Rubetta, ruby wood, to rabbit, to rave about, to reboot, to rebut, to refit, to refute, to repeat, to repudiate, to rift, to rip out, to rivet, to rub out.

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